 Übersetzung für 'G7' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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G7 state
G-7-Staat {m}
G7 state
G7-Staat {m} [Rsv.]
2 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'G7' von Englisch nach Deutsch

G7 state
G-7-Staat {m}pol.

G7-Staat {m} [Rsv.]pol.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • 4.g6 Kxh4 5.g7 Kg4 also wins. 4.Be7 Kxh4 5.g6+ Kg4 wins.
  • it is a riddle): White did not lose the game of chess (which is impossible in the diagram position, as the only legal moves are 1.g7+ Qxg7+ 2.hxg7#), but rather the bet.
  • Themes for Black: kingside attack, f7–f5 break, g7–g5–g4 break (after f2–f3), c7–c6 break, prophylaxis with ...c6–c5 or ...c7–c5 transposing to a full Benoni formation.
  • g6, however, intending to fianchetto Black's bishop on g7, is rare because White can undermine Black's pawn structure with 2.h5, making 1.h4 seem logical.
  • From 2010 to 2013 he was Member of the Senior Advisory Group on the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (g7+), in Paris.

  • In this line Black can also fianchetto his bishop to g7, although this is uncommon. Bent Larsen tried this in a few games, including a draw against Mikhail Tal in 1969.
  • Moto G7 (stylized by Motorola as moto g7) is a series of Android smartphones developed by Motorola Mobility, a subsidiary of Lenovo.
  • See also Fig. g7.
  • g6 d2 49.g7 d1=Q 50.Rxd1 Kxd1 51.gxh8=Q b1=Q+, when Black cannot engineer a perpetual check.
  • The broader IDPS Meeting produced the Dili Declaration In addition, the g7+ Secretariat published a report called "Aid Instruments for Peace and Statebuilding: Putting the New Deal into practice" in 2016, in which different g7+ country case studies highlighted good examples of the application of New Deal principles in the use of aid instruments.

  • The common registers (old output registers and new input registers) are used for parameter passing. Finally, eight registers (g0 through g7) are globally visible to all procedure levels.
  • If 2.g7?, then 2...h1(Q) draws; all other 2nd moves lose for White.
  • This opening is distinguished from the King's Indian Defense in that Black develops their [...] on e7 rather than by fianchetto on g7. Mikhail Chigorin pioneered this defense late in his career.
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