 Übersetzung für 'G8' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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(G8) sherpa
G8-Sherpa {m} [Beamter, der als Regierungs­chefsvertreter ein G8-Gipfeltreffen vorbereitet]
G8 countries
G8-Länder {pl}
G8 country
G8-Staat {m} [Rsv.]
G8 state [country]
G-8-Staat {m}
G8 state [country]
G8-Staat {m} [Rsv.]
G8 summit
G8-Gipfeltreffen {n}
G8 member (country)
G8-Staat {m} [Rsv.]
Group of Eight <G8>Gruppe {f} der Acht <G8>
8 Übersetzungen
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  • achtjähriges Gymnasium {n} [bes. in Deutschland] <G8, auch: Gy8> = eight-year gymnasium / Gymnasium [esp. in Germany]
  • G8-Gipfeltreffen {n} = G8 summit
  • G8-Länder {pl} = G8 countries
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • ... Kb5 h1=Q 5.g8=Q+ Bb8 6.a7 Na3+ 7.Kc6 Qh2 8.axb8=Q+ Qxb8 9.b7+ Ka7 10.Qg1+ Ka6 11.Qb6 mate) 4.
  • If 8...Ke8, then 9.Rg7 and checkmate on g8 next move, else loss of the rook since the bishop covers f3.
  • Rf2, after which captures by Black on b1 are answered by captures by White on g8.
  • If White plays 50.g8=Q, then Black can force a draw by threefold repetition, starting with 50...Rd1+ and then 51...Rd2+.
  • If 1...Kb8, then 2.g7 Kc8 3.g8(Q)+ Kd7 4.Qe6+ Kd8 5.Qxd6+ Ke8 6.Rxe5+ Kf7 7.Qg6+ Kf8 8.Re8#.

  • Typical white strategies are exchanging dark squared bishops by Be3–h6, sacrificing a pawn and sometimes an exchange on h5, exploiting pressure on the a2–g8 diagonal, and the weakness of the d5-square.
  • Also, the black knight on g8 is deprived of its most natural square.
  • Moto G8 (stylized by Motorola as moto g8) is a series of Android smartphones developed by Motorola Mobility, a subsidiary of Lenovo.
  • Arthur Langdon (1896) records four Cornish crosses in the parish of St Mabyn: one in the churchyard and others at Colquite, Cross Hill ("illustrated g8") and Penwine.
  • Among the members of TEK are also permanent supporters of the anti-g8 anti-g20 demonstrations.

  • Each subgroup symmetry allows one or more degrees of freedom for irregular forms. Only the g8 subgroup has no degrees of freedom but can seen as directed edges.
  • It is natural to assume that the solution will involve the white knight leaving g1, capturing the d7 and e7 pawns and the g8 knight, and then being captured itself, but in fact the solution carries an element of paradox quite common in SPGs: it is the knight that started on b8 that has been captured and the knight now on that square has come from g8.
  • For instance, if a white bishop on a2 were to capture a black knight on g8, the end result would be a black bishop on g8.
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