1 Übersetzung
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- GPD Win can also run Linux.
- The Garfield Police Department (GPD) provides emergency and protective services to the city of Garfield. The GPD consists of 61 sworn officers.
- GPCW is a group of Glassport residents who report crimes to GPD.
- Some RNP persons also wear video cameras on their vests, when undertaking GPD.
- Following the GPD Win 2 in 2017 and GPD Win Max in 2020, GPD announced the GPD Win 3.
- Viverette was the GPD's chief from 1986 until her retirement in May 2007. John King succeeded Viverette and served until 2010. The GPD currently falls under the leadership of Mark P. Sroka.
- Before his television career he was a reporter for Het Vrije Volk, Trouw and the GPD newspapers.
- The predecessor of the GPD, the "Gemeenschappelijke Persdienst" was formed in 1936 when the directors of several regional newspapers collaborated and formed their own news agency.
- 1 billion GPD. The importance of agriculture however lay in the provinces exports.
- If the loss of a portfolio [...] follows the GPD with p.d.f.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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