 Übersetzung für 'GPO' von Englisch nach Deutsch
SYNO Government Printing Office | GPO | United States Government Printing Office | ...
general post office <GPO> [Am.]Hauptpost {f}
General Post Office <GPO> [Br.]Hauptpostamt {n}
group policy object <GPO>
Gruppenrichtlinienobjekt {n}
3 Übersetzungen
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  • Geschäftsprozessoptimierung {f} <GPO> = business process optimization <BPO> [also: business process reengineering]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The 706 style telephone was also produced for non GPO subscribers by many of the same manufacturers that produced telephones for the GPO.
  • The following is the list of some of the postcodes within the country. GPO stands for General Post Office, the main post office in the city.
  • Seaman was appointed as acting director of the Government Press Office (GPO) in December 2000 and worked with thousands of foreign journalists who covered news events in Israel and the Palestinian territories until 2010.
  • After the garrison abandoned the GPO and retreated to Moore Street, James Connolly gave command of the GPO to Seán McLoughlin, a Fianna officer.
  • A GPO's earnings come from an "Administrative" fee.

  • Recently, federal agencies have been bypassing the GPO in lieu of publishing documents directly online.
  • During his time as GPO director, Halpern pledged to make Congressional documents more modern, which he has advocated will benefit both Congress and the public.
  • In mid 1935, Lye struck a deal with John Grierson to make a direct animation for the GPO Film Unit. Lye was paid £30, with his materials paid for by the GPO.
  • (www.gpo.gov › fdsys › pkg › pdf).
  • ... org/gpo.gov/hearings/108s/95603.pdf), but it was subsequently withdrawn when opponents pointed out that Brickell had led the charge against regulation in the derivatives industry.

  • The GPO offers media representatives a sophisticated briefing room, television studio and professional support materials.
  • They charged the GPO, expelled customers and staff, and took a number of British soldiers prisoner.
  • In 1968, the system was used in the UK, in a brief excursion from standards, when the General Post Office (GPO) introduced the first UK-made push-button telephone, the GPO 726 (Ericsson N2000 series).
  • Government Printing Office (GPO) becoming the only GPO Access Gateway Library in Texas.
  • From the start the GPO had trouble with competitive pirate radio broadcasters who found ways to deliver electronic messages to British receivers without first obtaining a GPO licence.

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