Übersetzung für '
GSwA' von Englisch nach Deutsch
1 Übersetzung
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- After the Dukes returned from GSWA, more than a hundred members volunteered for service in the new 1st SA Infantry Regiment, which served in Egypt and then on the Western Front in France.
- Witbooi's resistance prompted policy makers to seek immediate solutions to the instability in GSWA.
- Playford's major work has been on the Devonian reef complexes of the Canning Basin, first publishing a GSWA bulletin on their geology in 1996.
- When the German government began to regauge the line between Windhoek and Swakopmund, most of the "Zwillinge" were withdrawn from GSWA.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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