 Übersetzung für 'GaAs' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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gallium arsenide laser <GaL, GaAs laser>
Gallium-Arsenidlaser {m} <GaAs-Laser>
gallium arsenide wafer <GaAs wafer>
GaAs-Wafer {m} [Wafer aus Galliumarsenid]
2 Übersetzungen
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!

  • GaAs-Wafer {m} [Wafer aus Galliumarsenid] = gallium arsenide wafer <GaAs wafer>
  • Gallium-Arsenidlaser {m} <GaAs-Laser> = gallium arsenide laser <GaL, GaAs laser>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Current efficiencies for commercial InGaP/GaAs/Ge cells approach 40% under concentrated sunlight.
  • The AICPA subsequently changed the designation of the leading GAAS-setting authority in February 2004.
  • The first known operational use of GaAs solar cells in space was for the Venera 3 mission, launched in 1965.
  • Fårikål is a compound word literally meaning "mutton in cabbage". The name was amended from Danish "gaas i hvidkaal" (goose in white cabbage).
  • For example, GaAs surfaces tend to lose arsenic and the trend towards As loss can be considerably exacerbated by the deposition of metal.

  • 5P is used as the high energy junction on double and triple junction photovoltaic cells grown on GaAs.
  • Some of the first ultra-pure samples of gallium arsenide (GaAs) were zone refined in these crucibles (glassy carbon is not reactive with GaAs).
  • In the GaAs/AlAs system both the difference in lattice constant between GaAs and AlAs and the difference of their thermal expansion coefficient are small.
  • Typically the two antenna electrodes are patterned on a low temperature gallium arsenide (LT-GaAs), semi-insulating gallium arsenide (SI-GaAs), or other semiconductor (such as InP) substrate.
  • Over time, new forms of offering continued GaaS revenues have come about.

  • While at Bell Labs, Malik invented the use of Carbon acceptor doping in GaAs devices.
  • In September 1961, Biard and Pittman discovered infrared light emission from a forward biased tunnel diode they had constructed on gallium arsenide (GaAs) semi-insulating substrate.
  • TPA has been observed experimentally in gallium arsenide (GaAs) and its coefficient, β, calculated in GaAs at 1.3 μm is 42.5 cm/GW (much higher than silicon's: 3.3 cm/GW ).
  • The most commonly integrated laser diodes, which are used for diode lasers in biophotonics are based either on GaN or GaAs semiconductor material.
  • prototyping of electronical and optoelectronical GaAs and GaN based devices, epitaxy of GaAs-based layer systems, the development of GaAs processes, pilot series of integrated microwave circuits and laser diodes, consulting in rf measurement technology and the simulation of coplanar waveguide circuits.

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