 Übersetzung für 'German flag' von Englisch nach Deutsch
German flagDeutschlandfahne {f}
4 Wörter
to carry the German flagdie deutsche Flagge führen
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze)
German flag tetra [Hemigrammus marginatus]
Bassamsalmler {m}
(naked) flag-moss / flag moss [Discelium nudum]
Nacktes Zweischenkelmoos {n}
German-German history [history of the former East and West Germanies]
deutsch-deutsche Geschichte {f}
grass-leaf / grassleaf sweet-flag / sweet flag [Acorus gramineus, syn.: A. gramineus var. pusillus, A. humilis, A. pusillus, A. xiangyeus]
Zwerg-Kalmus / Zwergkalmus {m}
grass-leaf / grassleaf sweet-flag / sweet flag [Acorus gramineus, syn.: A. gramineus var. pusillus, A. humilis, A. pusillus, A. xiangyeus]
Schmalblättriger Kalmus {m}
grass-leaf sweet-flag / sweet flag [Acorus gramineus, syn.: A. gramineus var. pusillus, A. humilis, A. pusillus, A. xiangyeus]
Lakritz-Kalmus / Lakritzkalmus {m}
German-German relations
deutsch-deutsche Beziehungen {pl}
Flag {n} [binäre Variable oder Statusindikator]
flagFlagge {f}
flagKennzeichen {n}
to flagkennzeichnen
Merker {m}
flagMarkierung {f}
Kennzeichnung {f} [Flag]
flagIdentifizierungs­signal {n}
Bitschalter {m} [binäre Variable oder Statusindikator]
flagFahne {f}
to flag
mit Steinplatten / Fliesen belegen
to flagbeflaggen
flag throwerFahnenschwinger {m}
to flag [wilt]nachlassen
23 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The US Navy would not allow any Nazi insignia to be displayed on "Salem" so the wartime German flag being hoisted and flown was filmed on a British ship.
  • A Soviet flag flew from a flagpole atop the gate from 1945 until 1957, when it was replaced by an East German flag.
  • The airport also serves as a hub for Condor and as the main hub for German flag carrier Lufthansa.
  • that "the German Flag will be hauled down at sunset and will not be raised again without permission".
  • Luftag continued the traditional branding of the German flag carrier by acquiring the Luft Hansa name and logo.

  • The occupiers hoisted a German flag at the left side of the Town Hall.
  • The airport also serves as the main hub for German flag carrier Lufthansa.
  • The airport also serves as a hub for Condor and as the main hub for German flag carrier Lufthansa.
  • Since 2014, Nisipeanu has been playing under the German flag.
  • A ceremony is held at the gravesite every year on Volkstrauertag in November, the German equivalent of Memorial Day, at which the Naval attaché of the German embassy in Washington, DC, lays a wreath with a ribbon in the colors of the German flag in commemoration of all those buried at this gravesite.

  • Other, related, national championship games in Germany include the German Flag Bowl (est. ...
  • During the Polish-Soviet War Działdowo was briefly occupied by the Red Army which was cheered as a liberator by the local populace, and the town hoisted the German flag again but it was soon recovered by the Polish Army.
  • On 3 November 1884, under the auspices of the "Deutsche Neuguinea-Compagnie" (New Guinea Company), the German flag was flown over Kaiser-Wilhelmsland, the Bismarck Archipelago and the German Solomon Islands.
  • The colors were a representation of the German flag and symbolized the hope of unity between East and West Germany.
  • Vexillology rarely distinguishes between gold and yellow; in heraldry, they are both "Or". For the German flag, such a distinction is made: the colour used in the flag is called gold, not yellow.

  • In January 1968 he appeared in front of the West German Parliament in Bonn with a wood block labeled “Lidl” tethered to his ankle and painted in the colors of the German flag; he was subsequently arrested for defaming the flag.
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