Übersetzung für '
H hour' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| unit hour <h, hr> | Stunde {f} <h, Std., St.> 2189 | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| med.pharm. every hour {adv} <q.h., qh> [quaque hora] | stündlich <stdl., qh> | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| mil. H-hour | Stunde {f} X | |
3 Wörter: Andere |
| pharm. every other hour {adv} <q.o.h., qoh, QOH> | jede 2. Stunde | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| phys.unit kilocalorie per hour <kcal/h> | Kilokalorie {f} pro Stunde <kcal/h> | |
| unit kilometer per hour <kmph, km/h> [Am.] | Kilometer {m} pro Stunde <km/h> | |
| unit kilometers per hour <km/h, kph, kmph> [Am.] | Kilometer {pl} pro Stunde <km/h> | |
| unit kilometers per hour <km/h, kph, kmph> [Am.] | Stundenkilometer {pl} <km/h> [ugs.] | |
| unit kilometre per hour <kmph, km/h> [Br.] | Kilometer {m} pro Stunde <km/h> | |
| unit kilometres per hour <kmph, km/h> [Br.] | Kilometer {pl} pro Stunde <km/h> | |
| ecol.nucl.unit sievert per hour <Sv/h> | Sievert {n} pro Stunde <Sv/h> | |
4 Wörter: Substantive |
| med. 24-hour urine collection <24-h urine collection> | 24-Stunden-Sammelurin {m} <24-Std.-Sammelurin> | |
| med. 24-hour urine collection <24-h urine collection> | 24-Stunden-Urinsammelmenge {f} <24-Std.-Urinsammelmenge> [24-Std.-Sammelurin] | |
5+ Wörter: Substantive |
| phys.unit British thermal unit per hour <BTU/h, Btu/h> | [Maßeinheit der Leistung im englischsprachigen Raum; ca. 0,293 W] | |
Teiltreffer |
| shipping and handling {sg} <S/H, S&H> | Versandkosten {pl} <VK> | |
| electr.RadioTV horizontal sync pulse <HSYNC / H SYNC / H-sync / H-Sync pulse> | horizontaler Synchronisationspuls {m} <HSYNC / H-Sync Puls> | |
| electr.RadioTV horizontal sync pulse <HSYNC / H SYNC / H-sync / H-Sync pulse> | Horizontal-Synchronimpuls {m} <HSYNC / H-Sync Puls> | |
| econ. Heckscher-Ohlin theory <HOT, H-O-T, HO theory, H-O theory> | Faktorproportionentheorie {f} | |
| comm. costs for shipping and handling <S/H costs, S&H costs> | Kosten {pl} für Versand und Bearbeitung | |
| electr. sample-and-hold circuit <S/H circuit, S&H circuit> | Momentanwertabtastung {f} [S&H-Schaltung] | |
| electr. sample-and-hold circuit <S/H circuit, S&H circuit> | Sample-and-Hold-Schaltung {f} <S & H-Schaltung, S-&-H-Schaltung, S/H-Schaltung> | |
| electr. sample-and-hold circuit <S/H circuit, S&H circuit> | Abtasthalteschaltung {f} | |
| comm. shipping and handling charges <S/H charges, S&H charges> | Versand- und Bearbeitungskosten {pl} | |
| electr.telecom. lazy Henry <lazy H, Lazy-H> [antenna type] | Fauler Heinrich {m} [auch: Lazy-H] [Antennentyp] | |
| unit horse power <HP, H.P., hp, h.p.> | Pferdestärke {f} <PS> | |
| phys. hole-hole-electron process <h-h-e process> | Loch-Loch-Elektron-Prozess {m} <h-h-e-Prozess> | |
| ling.print h [letter] | h {n} [Buchstabe] 8 | |
| chem. hydrogen <H> | Wasserstoff {m} <H> 1309 | |
| mil.weapons H-bomb | Wasserstoffbombe {f} | |
| ling.print H [letter] | H {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| tech. H-profile | H-Profil {n} | |
| biol. H-zone | H-Zone {f} | |
| constr.tech. H-section / H section | H-Profil {n} | |
| chem. hydrogen <H> | Hydrogen {n} [Wasserstoff] <H> 8 | |
34 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'H hour' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- hour <h, hr>
- Stunde {f} <h, Std., St.>unit
- every hour {adv} <q.h., qh> [quaque hora]
- stündlich <stdl., qh>med.pharm.
- H-hour
- Stunde {f} Xmil.
- every other hour {adv} <q.o.h., qoh, QOH>
- jede 2. Stundepharm.
- kilocalorie per hour <kcal/h>
- Kilokalorie {f} pro Stunde <kcal/h>phys.unit
- kilometer per hour <kmph, km/h> [Am.]
- Kilometer {m} pro Stunde <km/h>unit
- kilometers per hour <km/h, kph, kmph> [Am.]
- Kilometer {pl} pro Stunde <km/h>unit
Stundenkilometer {pl} <km/h> [ugs.]unit
- kilometre per hour <kmph, km/h> [Br.]
- Kilometer {m} pro Stunde <km/h>unit
- kilometres per hour <kmph, km/h> [Br.]
- Kilometer {pl} pro Stunde <km/h>unit
- sievert per hour <Sv/h>
- Sievert {n} pro Stunde <Sv/h>ecol.nucl.unit
- 24-hour urine collection <24-h urine collection>
- 24-Stunden-Sammelurin {m} <24-Std.-Sammelurin>med.
24-Stunden-Urinsammelmenge {f} <24-Std.-Urinsammelmenge> [24-Std.-Sammelurin]med.
- British thermal unit per hour <BTU/h, Btu/h>
- [Maßeinheit der Leistung im englischsprachigen Raum; ca. 0,293 W]phys.unit
- shipping and handling {sg} <S/H, S&H>
- Versandkosten {pl} <VK>
- horizontal sync pulse <HSYNC / H SYNC / H-sync / H-Sync pulse>
- horizontaler Synchronisationspuls {m} <HSYNC / H-Sync Puls>electr.RadioTV
Horizontal-Synchronimpuls {m} <HSYNC / H-Sync Puls>electr.RadioTV
- Heckscher-Ohlin theory <HOT, H-O-T, HO theory, H-O theory>
- Faktorproportionentheorie {f}econ.
- costs for shipping and handling <S/H costs, S&H costs>
- Kosten {pl} für Versand und Bearbeitungcomm.
- sample-and-hold circuit <S/H circuit, S&H circuit>
- Momentanwertabtastung {f} [S&H-Schaltung]electr.
Sample-and-Hold-Schaltung {f} <S & H-Schaltung, S-&-H-Schaltung, S/H-Schaltung>electr.
Abtasthalteschaltung {f}electr.
- shipping and handling charges <S/H charges, S&H charges>
- Versand- und Bearbeitungskosten {pl}comm.
- lazy Henry <lazy H, Lazy-H> [antenna type]
- Fauler Heinrich {m} [auch: Lazy-H] [Antennentyp]electr.telecom.
- horse power <HP, H.P., hp, h.p.>
- Pferdestärke {f} <PS>unit
- hole-hole-electron process <h-h-e process>
- Loch-Loch-Elektron-Prozess {m} <h-h-e-Prozess>phys.
- h [letter]
- h {n} [Buchstabe]ling.print
- hydrogen <H>
- Wasserstoff {m} <H>chem.
Hydrogen {n} [Wasserstoff] <H>chem.
- H-bomb
- Wasserstoffbombe {f}mil.weapons
- H [letter]
- H {n} [Buchstabe]ling.print
- H-profile
- H-Profil {n}tech.
- H-zone
- H-Zone {f}biol.
- H-section / H section
- H-Profil {n}constr.tech.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- "H-Hour Hotel" and "On the Road" are included on the 2011 compilation album, "Besides".
- Hottelet rode along in a bomber over Utah Beach at H-Hour, the initial phase of the invasion.
- The phrase "H-Minus" signifies the Regiment's readiness prior to the start of the operation, or "H-Hour".
- President Bill Clinton order to Task Force 77 while this is H-Hour aboard the US Navy aircraft carrier including EA-6B, F/A-18, and F-14 aircraft in 1992 to 2003, the US military engagements in Southern Watch occurred with regularity, with Coalition aircraft routinely being shot at by Iraqi air defense forces utilizing surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) and anti-aircraft artillery (AAA), although such incidents were usually only reported in the Western press occasionally.
- Several hours prior to H-hour, these aircraft and crews were instead sent to support a raid near Colón, Panama, a key PDF stronghold where PDF leaders were believed to be.
- Cota landed with a part of the 116th Infantry Regiment, part of the 29th Division, in the second wave, approximately one hour after H-Hour on the Omaha sector known as Dog White.
- Near H-Hour, Mako 31 found a group of foreign fighters that had established a position and were manning a DShK HMG on the peak where they planned to set up an observation post.
- H Hour was at 0300hrs on 24 February 1991: (G Day).
- For Red Beach and Blue Beach, Vice Admiral James H. Doyle, Commander of an amphibious ready group, announced that H-Hour, time of landing, would be 17:30.
- Delaying H-Hour for a higher tide, to clear offshore reefs, the Canadian landing at Courseulles-sur-Mer began slightly later than those to the west, giving the German defender a warning they would need.
- Near H-hour on D-Day, 25 Oct. 1983, the "Caron" recovered a 20-man Navy SEAL/Air Force reconnaissance team from waters off the island's southwest coast.
- The Allied planes dropped 442 tons of bombs on the Abbey and its immediate environs in two separate attacks on 15 February, one between 09:30 and 10:00 and the other between 10:30 and 13:30, but the infantry attack, which was to commence directly after the second bombing mission, was delayed due to differences regarding H-Hour between Freyberg and his 7th Indian Brigade.
- H-hour was set for 7.25, and after a delay of twenty minutes for a more favourable tide in the Juno sector, "Prince David" [...] s landing craft started their hour-long trip to the beaches.
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