| chem. water <H2O> [H2O] | Wasser {n} <H2O> 32767 | |
2 Wörter |
| hydro. H2O cycle | Wasserzyklus {m} | |
| hydro. H2O cycle | Wasserkreislauf {m} | |
3 Wörter |
| unit centimeter of water <cmH2O, cm H2O, cmwc> [Am.] | Zentimeter {m} Wassersäule <cmWS, cm WS> | |
| unit centimetre of water <cmH2O, cm H2O, cmwc> [Br.] | Zentimeter {m} Wassersäule <cmWS, cm WS> | |
| unit inch of water <inAq, inH2O, in H2O, inwc> | [angloamerikanische Maßeinheit des Drucks; ca. 249 Pa] | |
| unit meter of water <mH2O, m H2O> [Am.] | Meter {m} Wassersäule <mWS, m WS> | |
| unit metre of water <mH2O, m H2O> [Br.] | Meter {m} Wassersäule <mWS, m WS> | |
| unit millimeter of water <mmH2O, mm H2O mmwc> [Am.] | Millimeter {m} Wassersäule <mmWS, mm WS> | |
| unit millimetre of water <mmH2O, mm H2O> [Br.] | Millimeter {m} Wassersäule <mmWS, mm WS> | |
Fiktion (Literatur und Film) |
| RadioTVF H2O: Just Add Water | H2O – Plötzlich Meerjungfrau | |
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Übersetzung für 'H2O' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- water <H2O> [H2O]
- Wasser {n} <H2O>chem.
- H2O cycle
- Wasserzyklus {m}hydro.
Wasserkreislauf {m}hydro.
- centimeter of water <cmH2O, cm H2O, cmwc> [Am.]
- Zentimeter {m} Wassersäule <cmWS, cm WS>unit
- centimetre of water <cmH2O, cm H2O, cmwc> [Br.]
- Zentimeter {m} Wassersäule <cmWS, cm WS>unit
- inch of water <inAq, inH2O, in H2O, inwc>
- [angloamerikanische Maßeinheit des Drucks; ca. 249 Pa]unit
- meter of water <mH2O, m H2O> [Am.]
- Meter {m} Wassersäule <mWS, m WS>unit
- metre of water <mH2O, m H2O> [Br.]
- Meter {m} Wassersäule <mWS, m WS>unit
- millimeter of water <mmH2O, mm H2O mmwc> [Am.]
- Millimeter {m} Wassersäule <mmWS, mm WS>unit
- millimetre of water <mmH2O, mm H2O> [Br.]
- Millimeter {m} Wassersäule <mmWS, mm WS>unit
- H2O: Just Add Water
- H2O – Plötzlich MeerjungfrauRadioTVF
- Wasser {n} <H2O> = water <H2O> [H2O]
- H2O – Plötzlich Meerjungfrau = H2O: Just Add Water
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- So if we assign "water" the primary intension "watery stuff" then the secondary intension of "water" is H2O, since H2O is "watery stuff" in this world.
- Szomolnokite (Fe2+SO4·H2O) is a monoclinic iron sulfate mineral forming a complete solid solution with magnesium end-member kieserite (MgSO4·H2O).
- Examples of well-studied vdW molecules are Ar2, H2-Ar, H2O-Ar, benzene-Ar, (H2O)2, and (HF)2.
- In January 2019, Locus Telecommunications, the operator of the h2o Wireless and KDDI Mobile MVNOs in the U.S., was acquired from KDDI America by Telrite Holdings, Inc., and the KDDI Mobile MVNO is now defunct.
- So if we assign "water" the primary intension "watery stuff" then the secondary intension of "water" is H2O, since H2O is "watery stuff" in this world.
- The manufacturing of the amine-based technology is done in Switzerland by h2o facilities SA, Geneva and it is ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015 certified.
- The monohydrate MoO3·H2O consists of layers of octahedrally coordinated MoO5·(H2O) units where 4 vertices are shared.
- Reaction of RhCl3(H2O)3 with olefins affords compounds of the type Rh2Cl2(alkene)4. With 1,5-cyclooctadiene, RhCl3(H2O)3 react in ethanol to give cyclooctadiene rhodium chloride dimer.
- Eu(H2O) and Eu(H2O)2 complexes can be obtained by the reaction of metallic europium in solid argon with water.
- The chemical equation for this reaction is 2 MnPO4·H2O → Mn2P2O7 + 2 H2O + 1/2O2.
- The CO2 and H2O values given were calculated on the basis of 6(CO3)-2 and 3(H2O) per formula by comparison with weloganite.
- The label Liquid Groove garnered its first success with the H2O project: H2O featuring Billie "Satisfied", H2O "Living for the Future" and H2O featuring Billie "Nobody's Business" which went to enter the UK top 20 chart.
- Revelations about the financial backing behind H2O Networks were released in February 2011.
- A number of hydrates are known, 2SnBr2·H2O, 3SnBr2·H2O & 6SnBr2·5H2O which in the solid phase have tin coordinated by a distorted trigonal prism of 6 bromine atoms with Br or H2O capping 1 or 2 faces.
- In aqueous solution the following have been detected: Zn(H2O)62+, [...]+, tetrahedral ZnI2(H2O)2, ZnI3(H2O)−, and ZnI42−.
- ] H2O. The most common form is the monohydrate CdSO4·H2O, but two other forms are known CdSO4· [...] H2O and the anhydrous salt (CdSO4).
- Various hydrates are known including Co(CH3CO2)2·H2O and [...]5·0.5 H2O.
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