 Übersetzung für 'Haarstrang' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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Haarstrang [mountain range in Westphalia]
Haarstrang {m} [Höhenzug in Westfalen]
1 Übersetzung
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  • Haarstrang {m} = tress [literary]
  • Haarstrang {m} = hog's fennel [genus Peucedanum]
  • Haarstrang {m} [Höhenzug in Westfalen] = Haarstrang [mountain range in Westphalia]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Ense is situated on the river Möhne, approx. 12 km north-west of Arnsberg and 12 km south-west of Soest. Ense lies at the northside of the Sauerland and at the south side of the Haarstrang.
  • Rüthen is situated at the northeastern border of the natural preserve Arnsberger Wald between the Haarstrang and the valley of the river Möhne, approx.
  • The Ardey and Haarstrang together were on the edge of the northern ice sheet from the last ice age.
  • It runs from Dortmund Hauptbahnhof through the southern Dortmund district of Holzwickede to Unna and from there through the Hellweg Börde parallel to the Haarstrang ridge on the southern edge of the Westphalian Lowland via Werl to Soest.
  • From east of Rüthen its boundary with the North Sauerland Oberland (including the Arnsberg Forest Nature Park) runs in a westerly direction, passing the Möhnesee immediately south of the Haarstrang and then runs south of the Hellweg to the edge of the Lower Sauerland to south of Dortmund, from where its course takes it further west, north of the Ardey Hills and the adjoining parts of the Lower Berg-Mark Hills ("Niederbergisch-Märkisches Hügelland") heading south of Bochum and Essen to the vicinity of Mülheim.

  • The area south of the city is mostly forested; the lightly forested Haarstrang mountain is to the north.
  • In the south it is adjoined by the Sauerland and Upland (landscapes in the Rothaar Mountains); in the west by the Warstein Forest (the eastern part of the Arnsberg Forest Nature Park) and in the northwest by the narrow Haarstrang.
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