 Übersetzung für 'Haban' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Habaner {m}
Haban [female]
Habanerin {f}
2 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'Haban' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Habaner {m}arthist.relig.
Haban [female]
Habanerin {f}arthist.relig.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Clemente Haban (Philippines) and Jayaraj Krishnan (India) received Master of Divinity degrees, and Carolina Binavince (Philippines) and Kim Soung-gon (South Korea) received Master of Religious Education degrees.
  • In 1907, Josef Haban and Julius Tandler theorized that the levator ani muscles were also very important for uterine support.
  • It was acquired in 1930 by the American chargé d'affaires in Paris, Norman Armour, then in 1939 by Mrs. Strauss-Von-Haban, née De Gunzbourg.
  • While chairing the Criminal Justice Committee, Haben pushed two pieces of legislation that allowed police officer to shoot fleeing subjects and gave those who carried a gun while committing a crime a mandatory three-year sentence. Haban argued against nearly all forms of gun control, and specifically opposed a bill that would have made it illegal to own inexpensive guns, commonly known as saturday night special.
  • Haban Spur (...) is a bold rock spur [...] north of Scarab Peak, extending northeast from the east central part of Tobin Mesa in the Mesa Range of Victoria Land, Antarctica.

  • Their main occupation was pottery making. Haban designs are very similar to those still used in Modra pottery; indeed it is very likely that this is where the Modra potters got their techniques.
  • Some Moravian Hutterites converted to Catholicism and retained a separate ethnic identity as the Habans (German: [...]) until the 19th century (by the end of World War II, the Haban group had become essentially extinct).
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