 Übersetzung für 'Habeas' von Englisch nach Deutsch
habeas corpus
Habeas Corpus {n}
habeas corpus [right, principle]
Habeas-Corpus-Recht {n} [Recht auf richterliche Haftprüfung]
Habeas Corpus ActGesetz {n} zum Schutze der persönlichen Freiheit
Habeas Corpus Act [1679]
Habeas-Corpus-Akte {f} [auch: Habeaskorpusakte]
habeas corpus hearing
Haftprüfungs­termin {m}
5 Übersetzungen
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  • Habeas Corpus {n} = habeas corpus
  • Habeas-Corpus-Akte {f} [auch: Habeaskorpusakte] = Habeas Corpus Act [1679]
  • Habeas-Corpus-Recht {n} [Recht auf richterliche Haftprüfung] = habeas corpus [right, principle]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The writs of "amparo" and "habeas data" are prerogative writs introduced in the Philippines to supplement the inefficacy of habeas corpus (Rule 102, Revised Rules of Court).
  • The record indicates his habeas counsel had submitted documents in his defense, and that these were considered by his board.
  • The Habeas Corpus Bill of 1758 was a failed bill that would have extended "habeas corpus" if passed.
  • In the Philippines, "amparo" and "habeas data" are prerogative writs to supplement the inefficacy of the writ of "habeas corpus" (Rule 102, Revised Rules of Court).
  • The majority opinion rejected the government's argument comparing the habeas corpus restriction under the MCA to those affected by the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, which were ruled constitutional after a "suspension clause" challenge.

  • This Act contained provision to close off all the remaining outstanding habeas corpus petitions.
  • The Act also stripped captives of the right to file habeas corpus submissions in the US Court system.
  • The 1994 reform introduces several new legal figures: "amparo judicial" (an injunction), "habeas corpus" and "habeas data".
  • Ineffective assistance of counsel is often raised in habeas challenges because it indirectly encompasses other claims that might have been brought on direct appeal, but were waived.
  • Latin legal concepts are often designated by the first few words, for example, "habeas corpus" for "habeas corpus ad subjiciendum" ("may you have the person to be subjected examination") which are itself the key words of a much longer writ.

  • Mohammed al-Qahtani's "habeas corpus" case was reinstated in July 2008 after the Supreme Court ruled in "Boumediene v.
  • Section 4 states that the habeas corpus would be suspended.
  • On April 20, 2015, Justice Barbara Jaffe of New York State Supreme Court ordered a writ of habeas corpus to two captive chimpanzees [...] but the next day the ruling was amended to strike the words "writ of habeas corpus".
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