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- Habemus Papam. [lat.] [Wir haben einen Papst.] = Habemus Papam. [Lat.] [We have a pope.]
- Habemus Papam - Ein Papst büxt aus = We Have a Pope [original Italian title: Habemus Papam] [Nanni Moretti]
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- He took the name Paul II, and a little bit later protodeacon Rodrigo Borgia announced the election to the people of Rome with the ancient formula Habemus Papam.
- His fifth album, "Habemus Capa" (a pun on the "habemus papam" statement with which the Catholic church announces a new pope), is a criticism of society's contradictions.
- "Habemus papam" or "Papam habemus" ('We have a pope') is the announcement traditionally given by the protodeacon of the College of Cardinals (the senior cardinal deacon in the College) or by the senior cardinal deacon participating in the papal conclave, in Latin, upon the election of a new pope of the Roman Catholic Church.
- In his role as Protodeacon for the 2013 conclave Tauran said that "people asked 'How do you prepare yourself for the Habemus Papam?
- The newly elected pope Francis invited Danneels to appear with him on the balcony when he first appeared after the Habemus Papam.
- Amongst these were the wake of the pope's funeral, the Pro Eligendo Romano Pontifice mass, the conclave and the Habemus Papam.
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