| archaeo. Hercules' club | Donarskeule {f} | |
| archaeo. Hercules' club | Herkuleskeule {f} | |
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze) |
| bot.T Hercules club [Euphorbia canariensis] | Kanaren-Wolfsmilch {f} | |
| bot.T Hercules club [Euphorbia canariensis] [Canary Island spurge] | Kanarische Wolfsmilch {f} | |
| zool.T Hercules club (mud whelk) [Pyrazus ebeninus, syn.: P. baudini, P. herculeus, Cerithium ebeninum, C. ferruginosum, Lampania angulifera, Zeacumantus delicatus] | Pyrazus ebeninus {f} [Meeresschneckenart] | |
| bot.T Hercules' club [Aralia spinosa] | Herkuleskeule {f} | |
| bot.T Hercules' club / Hercules-club [Zanthoxylum clava-herculis] | Herkuleskeule {f} | |
| bot.T Hercules' club / Hercules-club [Zanthoxylum clava-herculis] | Herkuleskeulengelbholzbaum {m} | |
Teiltreffer |
| mil. non-commissioned officers club <NCO club> | Unteroffiziersheim {n} | |
| geogr. Hercules Névé | Hercules-Firnfeld {n} | |
| filmF Hercules [Brett Ratner] | Hercules | |
| astron. Hercules <Her> [constellation] | Herkules {m} <Her> [Sternbild] 10 | |
| entom.T Hercules beetle [Dynastes hercules] | Herkuleskäfer {m} | |
| myth. labors of Hercules [Am.] | Heraklestaten {pl} | |
| RadioTVF Hercules: The Animated Series | Disneys Hercules | |
| RadioTVF Hercules: The Legendary Journeys | Hercules | |
| entom.T Hercules ant [Camponotus herculeanus] | Schwarze Rossameise {f} | |
| geogr.hist. Pillars of Heracles / Hercules | Säulen {pl} des Herakles | |
| zool.T Hercules baboon spider [Hysterocrates hercules] | Herkules-Vogelspinne {f} | |
| myth. the twelve labours of Hercules [Br.] | die zwölf Arbeiten {pl} des Herkules | |
| bot.T mossy clubmoss / club-moss / club moss [Selaginella kraussiana, syn.: S. azorica]^ | Feingliedriger Moosfarn {m} | |
| bot.T mossy clubmoss / club-moss / club moss [Selaginella kraussiana, syn.: S. azorica]^ | Krauss'sche Selaginelle {f} | |
| bot.T golden clubmoss / club-moss / club moss [Selaginella kraussiana, syn.: S. azorica] | Krauss'scher Moosfarn {m} | |
| bot.T spreading clubmoss / club-moss / club moss [Selaginella kraussiana, syn.: S. azorica] | Krauss'scher Moosfarn {m} | |
| bot.T spreading clubmoss / club-moss / club moss [Selaginella kraussiana, syn.: S. azorica] | Krauss'sche Selaginelle {f} | |
| bot.T golden clubmoss / club-moss / club moss [Selaginella kraussiana, syn.: S. azorica] | Krauss'sche Selaginelle {f} | |
| bot.T mossy clubmoss / club-moss / club moss [Selaginella kraussiana, syn.: S. azorica]^ | Krauss'scher Moosfarn {m} | |
| mil. officers club <O club> | Offiziersheim {n} | |
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