 Übersetzung für 'I'm tired' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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I'm tired.Ich bin müde.
4 Wörter
I'm sick and tired! [coll.] [idiom]Ich hab die Nase voll! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
I'm tired from work.Ich bin von der Arbeit müde.
I'm tired from work.Ich bin müde von der Arbeit.
I'm tired of it.Ich habe es satt.
5+ Wörter
I'm sick and tired of everything. [coll.]Ich habe es bis dahin satt. [ugs.]
I'm sick and tired of it. [coll.] [idiom]Das hängt mir zum Hals raus. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
I'm a politician, which means I'm a cheater and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies I'm stealing their lollipops. [The Hunt for Red October (film)]
Ich bin Politiker, das heißt, ich bin ein Betrüger und Lügner, und wenn ich kleinen Kindern keine Küsschen gebe, klaue ich ihnen ihre Bonbons.
I feel tired out.Ich bin ganz erledigt. [ugs.] [erschöpft, müde]
I doubt if / whether I'm in your class.Ich bezweifle, dass ich mit Ihnen mithalten kann.
I'm afraid I don't agree (with you).Ich fürchte, ich bin nicht Ihrer Meinung.
I think I'm going to be violently sick.Mir ist speiübel.
I think I'm going to throw up. [coll.]Mir ist speiübel.
I'm sorry, I didn't get / catch that.Entschuldigung, das habe ich nicht verstanden.
I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to ...Leider muss ich Sie bitten, ... [formelle Anrede]
I'm afraid I can't sing very well.Leider kann ich nicht (sehr) gut singen.
I'm afraid I haven't any time. [coll.]Ich habe leider keine Zeit.
I'm not absolutely sure, I admit, but ...Ich weiß es zwar nicht genau, aber ...
I think I'm going off my rocker.
Ich glaub, mein Schwein pfeift. [ugs.]
I'm buggered if I know. [Br.] [coll.]Ich weiß es wirklich nicht.
I'm afraid I couldn't go along with that.Ich kann dem nicht zustimmen.
I want you to notice when I'm not around. Ich will, dass du (es) merkst, wenn ich nicht da bin.
I'm in. And I'm in to win. [Hillary Clinton]
Ich bin dabei. Und ich bin dabei, um zu gewinnen.
Do I sound like I'm ordering a pizza? [coll.]
Klingt das, als ob ich 'ne Pizza bestellen will? [ugs.]
I'm gonna go now. [coll.] [I'm going to go now]Ich geh jetzt. [ugs.]
I don't know whether I'm coming or going.
Ich weiß nicht, wo mir der Kopf steht.
I'm afraid I've nothing smaller.Ich habe es leider nicht kleiner.
27 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'I'm tired' von Englisch nach Deutsch

I'm tired.
Ich bin müde.

I'm sick and tired! [coll.] [idiom]
Ich hab die Nase voll! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
I'm tired from work.
Ich bin von der Arbeit müde.

Ich bin müde von der Arbeit.
I'm tired of it.
Ich habe es satt.

I'm sick and tired of everything. [coll.]
Ich habe es bis dahin satt. [ugs.]
I'm sick and tired of it. [coll.] [idiom]
Das hängt mir zum Hals raus. [ugs.] [Redewendung]

I'm a politician, which means I'm a cheater and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies I'm stealing their lollipops. [The Hunt for Red October (film)]
Ich bin Politiker, das heißt, ich bin ein Betrüger und Lügner, und wenn ich kleinen Kindern keine Küsschen gebe, klaue ich ihnen ihre Bonbons.quote
I feel tired out.
Ich bin ganz erledigt. [ugs.] [erschöpft, müde]
I doubt if / whether I'm in your class.
Ich bezweifle, dass ich mit Ihnen mithalten kann.
I'm afraid I don't agree (with you).
Ich fürchte, ich bin nicht Ihrer Meinung.
I think I'm going to be violently sick.
Mir ist speiübel.
I think I'm going to throw up. [coll.]
Mir ist speiübel.
I'm sorry, I didn't get / catch that.
Entschuldigung, das habe ich nicht verstanden.
I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to ...
Leider muss ich Sie bitten, ... [formelle Anrede]
I'm afraid I can't sing very well.
Leider kann ich nicht (sehr) gut singen.
I'm afraid I haven't any time. [coll.]
Ich habe leider keine Zeit.
I'm not absolutely sure, I admit, but ...
Ich weiß es zwar nicht genau, aber ...
I think I'm going off my rocker.
Ich glaub, mein Schwein pfeift. [ugs.]idiom
I'm buggered if I know. [Br.] [coll.]
Ich weiß es wirklich nicht.
I'm afraid I couldn't go along with that.
Ich kann dem nicht zustimmen.
I want you to notice when I'm not around.
Ich will, dass du (es) merkst, wenn ich nicht da bin.
I'm in. And I'm in to win. [Hillary Clinton]
Ich bin dabei. Und ich bin dabei, um zu gewinnen.quote
Do I sound like I'm ordering a pizza? [coll.]
Klingt das, als ob ich 'ne Pizza bestellen will? [ugs.]idiom
I'm gonna go now. [coll.] [I'm going to go now]
Ich geh jetzt. [ugs.]
I don't know whether I'm coming or going.
Ich weiß nicht, wo mir der Kopf steht.idiom
I'm afraid I've nothing smaller.
Ich habe es leider nicht kleiner.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • (loosely translated into "I'm tired") was a big hit during Christmas of 1993 on Puerto Rico's radio.
  • "It's certainly not the finish I would have liked, but out of playing (36) majors now, and not winning any, I'm tired of beating myself up time after time," – Phil Mickelson.
  • Cansei ("I'm tired") was a protest-movement organized by high-profile society in Brazil about lack of ethics in politics and government in Mensalão scandal and 2006–2007 Brazilian aviation crisis.
  • After retiring in Gardena, California, she told a friend: "I'm tired – I've had my day."
  • "Every movie I'm offered is shot in Europe or Asia or somewhere. I'm tired of running around."

  • According to Natelegé Whaley from Mic, the song opens with warpy clarinet samples, as Timbaland avoids confrontation by repeatedly saying "I'm tired of arguing girl."
  • In 2002, the popular singer sang two songs of Stamatis Kraounakis on the soundtrack of the film by Nikos Panagiotopoulos titled "Varethika Na Skotono tous Agapitikous Sou" (I'm tired of killing your Boyfriends).
  • Do not grieve. I'm tired of you. Remember, Dasha.
  • The second CD1 B-side, "When I'm Tired" is another of the "Nu-Clear Sounds" era bittersweet 'burn-out' songs, although with a slightly faster pace than some of its contemporaries.
  • hese are Jews. I'm tired of getting pushed around, and our people getting pushed around by the situation in the Middle East."

  • season was stalled in May when he contracted Valley Fever and lost approximately 35 pounds during the illness (per his interview on Chronicle Live 6/21/10). "I'm tired.
  • When asked in a 1994 interview if the song is about reverse racism, Fat Mike responded saying, "Basically, I'm tired of all these correct terms you're supposed to be calling people now.
  • He wrote in his journal, "I'm tired of it all and I couldn't care less if they move the stupid ship – or finish the fucking film".
  • The title "I Want Wind to Blow" was explained by Elverum: "I want crazy events to happen to me. I'm tired of gray.
  • Madonna then uttering the line "I'm tired of waiting for you" while the backdrop showed the phrase "Have You Confessed?

  • troops might have to return to Cambodia, McGovern declared, "I'm tired of old men dreaming up wars for young men to fight.
  • The band's fifth album "No More Stories Are Told Today, I'm Sorry They Washed Away // No More Stories, The World Is Grey, I'm Tired, Let's Wash Away" was released on 17 August 2009 in Scandinavia, 24 August in the UK and 25 August in the US.
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