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- Ihre Majestät {f} <I. M.> = Her Majesty <HM>
- intramuskuläre Injektion {f} <i.m.-Injektion> = intramuscular injection
- intramuskuläre Injektionen {pl} <i.m.-Injektionen> = intramuscular injections
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- They opened both the Glasgow Sound City event and the Phoenix festival in 1994 before releasing their second single, "Starrclub" (which included the line, "Look at me, i'm on TV").
- He helped produce Charli XCX's "how i'm feeling now" album while in Montana.
- His final poem, "ich krieg ein kind" ("i'm expecting a child"), references his bloated abdomen and describes the physical deterioration of his final months.
- just. i'm happier now than i've ever been my whole entire life.
- Oxenberg had her NXIVM brand covered up with a tattoo of a mandala and the inscription "ancora imparo" (i'm still learning) by a tattoo artist in New York City's East Village.
- This is a characteristic of a strong nation, which i'm very proud of".
- British singer Adele also gave the song "Salvatore" a praise in Vogue magazine, commenting "The chorus of this song makes me feel like i'm flying...".
- "b'lieve i'm goin down..." is the sixth studio album by American indie rock musician Kurt Vile, released on September 25, 2015 on Matador Records.
- In the song, Brown says that he's forgetting a failed relationship with a woman, as he sings, "I swear to god i'm moving on!
- so i junked it for its best moments and made an album that i'm really in love with."
- Heroes' in 2009, the Clones dropped 'Singles' in 2011 'All About a Heart Break' and 'Jealousy' as well as its video followed with 'Season 2 Singles' in 2013 with new hits 'Mediocre' and 'Speak when i'm gone'.
- After performing stripped back live versions of the EP on SBTV one of her songs "LO-FI", co-written and produced by Dee Adam, was then picked up and sampled by frumhere on his track "she only likes me when i'm drunk".
- Dori's only answer is "Well, it's my story and i'm sticking to it".
- Chisholm also Starred in CiTV Children's Comedy series "HELP! i'm the Pirate Teenager!" been first aired in 2000 on CiTV.
- The i'm initiative was a program Microsoft launched in March 2007, that connects the user with ten organizations dedicated to social causes through Windows Live Messenger, only for conversations sent or received in the USA.
- In 2003, Knauss and his agency developed the McDonald's slogan "i'm lovin' it" (German "Ich liebe es"), which won a worldwide competition between 14 agencies; he is best known as the inventor of this slogan.
- The band has released 3 EP's on Sumerian Records / Position Music - Freak Show, Malfunction] & Malfunction X Broken Down The band has also released three new singles from their unreleased debut album - Russian Roulette, sorry i'm not dead and Can't Take Me Down.
- Ni'matullah's son Shah Khalilullah was the next "qutb" (master) of the Nimatullahi order.
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