 Übersetzung für 'I am against it' von Englisch nach Deutsch
I am against it.Ich bin dagegen.
Am I to do it?Soll ich es tun?
I am certain of it.Ich bin mir dessen sicher.
I am also for it.Ich bin auch dafür.
I am sorry for it.Das tut mir leid.
I am pleased with it.Ich bin damit zufrieden.
Am I to take it that ...?Soll ich das so verstehen, dass ...?
I am no judge of it. [fig.]Ich kann es nicht beurteilen.
I am, it is true, his father, but ...Ich bin zwar sein Vater, aber ...
I am not at liberty to discuss it.Es ist mir nicht gestattet, darüber zu sprechen.
Here I am Man, here dare it to be! [trans. G. M. Priest]
Hier bin ich Mensch, hier darf ich's sein! [Johann W. v. Goethe]
I'm right, am I not?Habe ich recht, ja?
Are you looking forward to your parents' visit? - I am and I'm not. Freust du dich auf den Besuch deiner Eltern? - Teils, teils!
I am.Ich bin.
I am going.Ich gehe.
I am thirsty.Mich dürstet. [geh. oder veraltet]
I am sorry.Es tut mir leid.
I am glad.Ich freue mich.
I am fine.Mir geht es gut.
I am grieved.Es tut mir leid.
Here I am.Hier bin ich.
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Of her other memoirs, she herself wrote on completing her Charles I, "I am resolved against proceeding farther with English sovereigns.
  • The issue of "differential" treatment for those who had spoken out against the U.S.-led invasion appeared to trouble Justice Mosley, who said: "I don't know how it is an aggravating feature or element to be introduced in sentencing."
  • A beacon light's function is to say "here I am" and even a dim light provides enough contrast against the dark night to serve the purpose.
  • It is also significant, particularly as Camus develops his philosophical ideas, that the story develops against the backdrop of the Second World War and the Holocaust.
  • At the same time he told northern IRA officers he would "use the political arm against Craig so long as it is of use.

  • am as he's shouting into a megaphone, against a red background.
  • am, performing energetic dances while singing the song, while varying objects in the background (including a grand piano) smash against the ground in real-time, slow and fast motion, and in reverse.
  • The band openly gave their support to file sharing, arguing that sales would ultimately benefit from the free publicity, although reminding the fans that their label was against it.
  • In February 2013 it was widely reported in international media that Marak would be running again for the state assembly in Meghalaya, against some other oddly-named candidates, such as Frankenstein Momin and Billykid Sangma.
  • It was in this speech, which lasted for five hours, that Palmerston made the well known declaration that a British subject ought everywhere to be protected by the strong arm of the British government against injustice and wrong; comparing the reach of the British Empire to that of the Roman Empire, in which a Roman citizen could walk the earth unmolested by any foreign power.

  • Kennedy, Smith argued that the United States should use nuclear weapons against the Soviet Union.
  • Shen Qiliang himself fought against the Three Feudatories as part of the Qing army.
  • The charges against him were dismissed at the end of the court case.
  • Ord's troops began advancing against Gordon's corps while the Union II Corps began moving against Lieutenant General James Longstreet's corps to the northeast.
  • We will continue to campaign for the charges against them to be dropped.

  • In November 2005, after Vice President Dick Cheney lobbied against a provision to a defense bill that Republican Senator John McCain passed in the Senate banning "cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment" of all U.S.
  • but on May 23, 1963, the Supreme Court of Alabama ruled against them.
  • An appeal against the ruling was allowed by the court of appeal in 2008.
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