 Übersetzung für 'I am confused' von Englisch nach Deutsch
I am confused.Ich bin verwirrt.
I'm right, am I not?Habe ich recht, ja?
Are you looking forward to your parents' visit? - I am and I'm not. Freust du dich auf den Besuch deiner Eltern? - Teils, teils!
I am.Ich bin.
I am grieved.Es berührt mich schmerzlich.
I am patient.Ich gedulde mich.
I am stingy.Ich geize.
I am cold.Mich friert (es).
I am fine.Mir geht es gut.
I am sorry.Es tut mir Leid. [alt]
I am going.Ich gehe.
Where am I?Wo bin ich hier?
I am sorry.Es tut mir leid.
Neither am I.Ich auch nicht!
I am grieved.Es tut mir leid.
Am I Beautiful?
Bin ich schön? [Doris Dörrie]
I am scared.Mir wird angst (und bange).
I am scared.Mir ist angst.
I am fine.Mir fehlt nichts.
I am concerned.Ich mache mir Sorgen.
Here I am.Hier bin ich.
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • To prevent confusion, the song was originally released as "Here I Am" on the LP but was re-titled "Here I Am (Just When I Thought I Was Over You)" for the release of the single, so as not to be confused with the group's No.
  • As The In Crowd, (not to be confused with the "Questions and Answers" In Crowd) they recorded the songs "Am I Glad to See You" and "Blow-Up" especially for the film "Blowup" in 1966.
  • The verbal use of "used to" should not be confused with second case—the adjectival form—of the same expression, meaning "familiar with, accustomed to", as in "I am used to this", "we must get used to the cold".
  • Hebblethwaite accepted that the Rent Rebate scheme had played a large part in last year's results, but qualified "nevertheless I am certain the public have been somewhat confused about the issues this year.
  • In the poem, Whitman emphasizes an all-powerful "I" which serves as narrator, who should not be limited to or confused with the person of the historical Walt Whitman.

  • The two confused bartenders watch in awe as they believe Paddy and Yu Ming are speaking Chinese not Irish.
  • Their version was titled "The Power of Love (You Are My Lady)" so as not to be confused with "The Power of Love" by Huey Lewis and the News which was on the charts at the same time.
  • Upon realizing that she was not a Black American, the conductor reportedly grew confused about how he should proceed and asked her where she was from.
  • Many people have confused my speaking dates and our band dates because they were both being booked as Brian Head Welch.
  • The actor added "He is a bit confused about life and definitely ruffles people's feathers in the Bay."

  • He points out a confused mix of characters and locations.
  • admitted stealing from "Rebound" accidentally and that he was confused whether he ever had the rights to use "Rebound" for his song.
  • Records in the United States to avoid being confused with other artists with a similar name.
  • This is not to be confused with lying (prevarication): The importance is that a speaker can physically create any and all messages regardless of their truth or relation to the speaker.
  • "The Garden of Eden", the film adaptation of Ernest Hemingway's novel, featured Suvari as a sexually confused and restless woman and one half of a couple who travel across Europe amid a deteriorating marriage.

  • As a child Flora is understandably heartbroken and confused by her parents´ lack of interest in her.
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