 Übersetzung für 'I am free today' von Englisch nach Deutsch
I am free today. [My schedule is open.]Ich habe heute frei.
I am afraid he's rather unwell today.Es geht ihm heute leider gar nicht gut.
At last I am free of him.Endlich bin ich ihn los.
I hope for nothing. I fear (for) nothing. I am free. [Epitaph of Nikos Kazantzakis]
Ich erhoffe nichts. Ich fürchte nichts. Ich bin frei. [Grabinschrift von Nikos Kazantzakis]
I'm right, am I not?Habe ich recht, ja?
Are you looking forward to your parents' visit? - I am and I'm not. Freust du dich auf den Besuch deiner Eltern? - Teils, teils!
Order your free information pack today.
Fordern Sie Ihr Gratis-Informationspaket heute noch an.
I can still remember that today.Das weiß ich bis heute noch.
I have a reservation for today.Ich habe für heute reserviert.
I'm not (quite) myself today.
Ich bin heute nicht ganz auf der Höhe.
I suppose he'll come today.Er kommt wohl heute.
I am.Ich bin.
I am ill.Ich bin krank.
I am grieved.Es berührt mich schmerzlich.
I am scared.Mir ist angst.
I am from ...Ich komme aus ...
Where am I?Wo bin ich hier?
Neither am I.Genauso wenig wie ich.
I am scared.Mir wird angst (und bange).
Sure I am.
Aber klar doch! [ugs.] [bestätigend]
I am fine.Mir fehlt nichts.
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The last sentences published by Frisch are included in a letter addressed to the high-profile entrepreneur and published in the left of centre newspaper "Wochenzeitung", and here he returned one last time to attacking the Swiss state: "1848 was a great creation of free-thinking which today, after a century of domination by a , has become a squandered state – and I am still bound to this state by one thing: a passport (which I shall not be needing again)".
  • Barron's character, CJ (Charles Jefferson), was Perrin's overbearing boss with the catchphrase "I didn't get where I am today by..."
  • I don't expect a medal or anything, I am here to learn. Today's result won't put pressure on me.
  • in 1961, which it remains a member of today. The college officially requests and is granted a FCC license for a 10 watt broadcast at 640 kHz AM with the callsign WNFT.
  • "Imagine if I went to the employer tomorrow and said, 'I do not want to work today.

  • Interestingly instead of being commended, I have to stand trial today for this.
  • am and its afternoon programme (News Talk for Today) at 3 [...] pm.
  • Another of his network assignments was "The Morning Show", CBS' short-lived challenge to NBC's "Today" in 1954.
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