Übersetzung für '
I am from' von Englisch nach Deutsch
23 Übersetzungen
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- Paraguayan musician and composer, Maneco Galeano, immortalized the name of this barrio in a Guarania song called "Soy de la Chacarita" (I am from the Chacarita).
- I am from (USA)...- Yang (Stech)...wina.
- Raúl Castro said in a 2015 televised news conference in which he discussed Pope Francis's September 2015 visit, "I am from the Cuban Communist Party that doesn't allow believers, but now we are allowing it.
- – I am from the "Washington Post". What do you say about the mass graves and the disrespect of human rights in Chechnya?
- The more you attack me the more I pride myself, the further I am from you the closer I am to the people.
- Harris has also played guitar on the album "Who I Am" from Nick Jonas and the Administration which was released on February 2, 2010, but former New Power Generation bassist Sonny Thompson will replace him for live shows.
- Most of Adamovich's works were about the German occupation of Byelorussia during World War II, with his most well-regarded works including the novella "Khatyn" and the memoir collection "I am from the Fiery Village".
- When he was found, The Prophet Muhammad said, "He is from me and I am from him," and then he lifted Julaybib's body himself.
- At his concert in Kermanshah in 2014, he performed a Kurdish song containing the lyrics: "I am from Kermanshah, I don’t speak Persian," prompting condemnation from Iranian authorities, and accusations of Kurdish nationalism.
- from Avex Trax. While promoting "I Am...", Hamasaki performed for the first time outside Japan at the 2002 MTV Asia Music Awards in Singapore.
- The singles "Von Zeit zu Zeit" and "I Am from Austria" were also not successful at first.
- In the summer of 1986, Oktar was arrested for his statement "I am from the nation of Abraham and Turkish ethnicity" in a newspaper interview.
- About his model Fernandez has been known to comment, "Soy de aquí como el coquí" (I am from here just like the coqui), a common patriotic axiom that is used to demonstrate their native ties to the island.
- "Sir," he reported to Chamberlain, "I am from General Gordon.
- am from The Black Eyed Peas. "Sunny Hours" was also used as the theme song for the "Friends" spin-off "Joey".
- Am from Black Eyed Peas during a visit to Minneapolis recording studio IPR.
- am from the Black Eyed Peas, who composed the song with additional writing from Kara DioGuardi and Jeff Lynne, and additional production from Ron Fair.
- "Grass Roots" was originally planned for release at the end of 1993 However, with the band being dropped from Ruthless in 1995 it was not released at that time.
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