Übersetzung für '
I am game' von Englisch nach Deutsch
21 Übersetzungen
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- Two years later, he shot a then-course record of 271 (17 under par) for his second Masters win, leading Bobby Jones to say that Nicklaus played "a game with which I am not familiar."
- In February, he released a statement saying that "my game has gone downhill since I got married but has started to pick up again now I am in bachelordom...
- Maestro released Compositions Volume 1 which included his personal favorite song he ever wrote, "I know Your Mom", and the sports classic "Underestimated", which was played during the 2015 Pan Am Games and was featured on the EA Sports "NHL 17" video game.
- The Prime Minister thanked him for advertising the Conservative's strong economic policy, and ended his reply concerning Pound by saying: "I am sure that the honourable gentleman enjoys a game of bingo – it's the only time he'll ever get close to Number 10".
- In the 1995 computer game "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream", based on the Harlan Ellison short story of the same name, it is stated that AM, the malevolent supercomputer, will survive the heat death of the universe and continue torturing its immortal victims to eternity.
- Baker went on to co-design the "Alternity" science fiction game: "As much as I am proud of my other work, I probably learned the most from the work Bill [...] and I put into the "Alterity" game system.
- I like his universality, his approach to the game, his chess ideas.
- The video was directed by Francis Lawrence who went on to direct Jennifer Lopez's "Waiting For Tonight" music video and the box office hits "I Am Legend" and "Hunger Games".
- Vaas is Roman Catholic and was known to pray before every game.
- It might also be a reference to computer worms (the Vurt is riddled with virtual reality serpents which propagate from game to game, like computer worms replicate themselves by hijacking computer programs).
- In March 2005, he announced his retirement from the game due to illness after receiving "evidence that it would be harmful to his health to continue".
- In his first game as manager, Rovers drew 1–1 with Shelbourne at Tolka Park.
- According to Nimmervoll the group were "under a lot of pressure to 'write hits' and 'play the game' for the sake of their US breakthrough."
- Seuss: Green Eggs and Ham" is a single-player, handheld video game for Game Boy Advance based on the 1960 book of the same name published by NewKidCo and released in November 2003.
- The game tends to be very quick, often lasting less than 20 minutes.
- It appears to be merely an alteration of the game Primero and it is to be presumed that it was invented prior to the publication of the Dictionary of Sebastián de Covarrubias in 1611, although it makes no mention of it.
- Ebert discussed six films in the article and mentioned how many critics handled "The Crying Game" and also noted a detail about the film "The Year of Living Dangerously".
- The "Game of Death" movie, one of the most recognizable of the Bruce Lee films, showcases the use of the nunchaku by Lee and Inosanto.
- Burroughs shot and killed Vollmer in a drunken game of "William Tell" at a party in Mexico City.
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