 Übersetzung für 'I am glad' von Englisch nach Deutsch
I am glad.Ich freue mich.
I'm glad I could help.Ich bin froh, dass ich helfen konnte.
Glad I insisted ...Gut, dass ich darauf bestanden habe, ...
I'm glad that ...Zum Glück ... [Redewendung]
I should be glad.Ich bitte (sogar) darum.
I'd be glad to!Sehr gerne!
I'm glad of that!Das lass ich mir gefallen!
I would be glad to ...Ich würde mich freuen ...
I was selfishly glad that ...Ich war egoistischerweise froh, dass ...
I would be glad if ...Ich würde mich freuen, wenn ...
I'm sort of glad.Ich bin eigentlich froh.
I'd be glad to.Aber gern.
I'm right, am I not?Habe ich recht, ja?
Are you looking forward to your parents' visit? - I am and I'm not. Freust du dich auf den Besuch deiner Eltern? - Teils, teils!
I'm glad he's gone.Ich bin froh, dass er weg ist.
I'm glad to meet you.Ich freue mich, Sie kennenzulernen.
I'm really glad you're here!Schön, dass Sie da / dabei sind!
I'm glad to know you're happy. [said to two or more people]Ich freue mich, euch glücklich zu wissen. [geh.]
I am.Ich bin.
I am patient.Ich gedulde mich.
I am sorry.Ich bedauere (es).
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Indian journalist and LGBT-rights activist Ashok Row Kavi praised "Dostana": "I am glad, for the first time in Indian popular cinema, gays were not turned into caricatures and made fun of.
  • Satirically reviewing the game in 2005, Something Awful's Zack Parsons tongue-in-cheek wrote: "I want to say that I am glad they took the rape out of "Battle Raper 2", but sadly, I just can't.
  • Atatürk remarked, "For no other institution do I feel such felicity that I feel for this institution, which will be the warranty of the Republic, and I am glad to reveal and open it" in the opening ceremony thereof.
  • He is a formidable person and I am glad that he is Pakistani and not Egyptian."
  • Malone was particularly keen and stated "There are still a few differences between the Communist Party and the Labour Party. I am glad to realise, however, that this will soon be settled by affiliation".

  • The detailed description provided by Charles Thomas Bingham (1907) is as follows:I am glad to associate Dr Lidderdale's name with this very interesting discovery, which adds a new and remarkable form to the family of Papilionidae.
  • Kluwe expressed thanks to the Raiders for picking him up and stated that, "I am glad to be a Raider and playing back in California, where I grew up."
  • In A. L. Kennedy's novel "So I Am Glad", the narrator finds de Bergerac has appeared in her modern-day house share.
  • I consider the payment of damages and public apology will go some way to ensuring respect for my and others' privacy in future. I am glad to have been vindicated and to be able to put this matter behind me".
  • In 1682 he wrote to Charlotte: "I must tell you I am glad to hear you are with child, and I hope to see you here before it be long, that I may have the satisfaction myself of telling you how much I love you, and how truly I am your kind father, Charles Rex".

  • You could see her perform next to Jennifer Lopez in the music video "I am glad" (directed by David LaChapelle).
  • The mere fact that he didn't wear pants was a challenge for a lot of people and I am glad Cartoon Network let it go - he's my favorite character".
  • "I am glad that I have stood here" – this was inscribed in Hungarian on his bronze plaque placed in the pavement in 1998 in front of Artpool's art space in Budapest (60, Paulay Ede St.).
  • In a letter of August 1763 he writes to Monkhouse "I am glad you are so happy in your nieces.
  • Yost said at the time, "It is to the freshmen that we must look for our future Michigan teams and I am glad that it has been decided to allow us to have such a team.

  • WALTIC 2008 honorary guest was poet Tomas Tranströmer. "I am glad to participate in the WALTIC congress because it is devoted to democracy, and the act of reading is a very good example of pure democracy in action," said writer Philip Pullman when asked about his participation in the 2008 congress.
  • In fact I am glad that it is finally before a UK court and an impartial court.
  • . I am glad to state about six miles up found the River all good water and very deep.
  • Gordon-Banks was suspended from the Liberal Democrats in 2016 after an antisemitic Twitter tweet: "Farron's leadership campaign was organised and funded by London Jews" and "I am glad I never had to represent a constituency with a significant Jewish community because [...] are all bloody hard work".
  • When not a state but a change of state is referred to, the expression is "quedar contento" or "alegrarse": "Ella quedó muy contenta cuando yo le dije que ella había ganado" = "she was very glad when I told her that she had won"; "Yo me alegro de que vosotros hayáis llegado" = "I am glad that you (plural) have come".

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