 Übersetzung für 'IX' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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SYNO 9 | ennead | ix | ...
Hermit {m} <IX> [also: hermit] [Tarot card]
Eremit {m} <IX> [Tarotkarte]
glossopharyngeal nerve <CN IX, CNIX, IX> [Nervus glossopharyngeus] [ninth cranial nerve]
Zungen-Rachen-Nerv {m} <IX>
cranial nerve IX <CN IX, CNIX> [Nervus glossopharyngeus] [ninth cranial nerve]
neunter Hirnnerv {m} <IX. Hirnnerv>
Pope Boniface IX
Papst {m} Bonifatius IX.
Pope Stephen IX
Papst {m} Stephan IX.
St. Louis IX
hl. Ludwig IX. {m} (der Heilige)
hereditary factor IX deficiency disease [Christmas disease]
Faktor-IX-Mangelkrankheit {f}
Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker [J. J. Abrams]
Star Wars: Episode IX – Der Aufstieg Skywalkers
8 Übersetzungen
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  • Eremit {m} <IX> [Tarotkarte] = Hermit {m} <IX> [also: hermit] [Tarot card]
  • neunter Hirnnerv {m} <IX. Hirnnerv> = cranial nerve IX <CN IX, CNIX> [Nervus glossopharyngeus] [ninth cranial nerve]
  • Faktor-IX-Mangelkrankheit {f} = hereditary factor IX deficiency disease [Christmas disease]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • IX.br is an interconnection of metropolitan area network interconnection points (pixes), commercial and academic under centralized management.
  • Perry has been active in campaigning against male sex discrimination under Title IX on US campuses since 2016.
  • Owing to Quebec's percent for art programme, and following the example of the Montreal Metro, the Pie-IX BRT will have artwork at its stations.
  • In 2007, CTT began to offer a mobile phone service in Portugal, under the brand name Phone-ix. Phone-ix was closed down on 1 January 2019.
  • The PC/IX distribution came on 19 floppy disks and was accompanied by a 1,800-page manual.

  • 1972 – Richard Nixon's administration passed Title IX. Title IX protects individuals from discrimination on the basis of sex.
  • (ix) Chairman, Orissa Small Industries Corporation (OSIC), Cuttack.
  • He was the sixth and last son of King Louis IX (Saint Louis) and Margaret of Provence.
  • Mġarr ix-Xini Tower (...) is the largest of the coastal watchtowers that the Knights of Malta erected on the island of Gozo.
  • UAE-IX is located at DATAMENA, a data center in the Dubai Production City, formerly known as International Media Production Zone (IMPZ), and the Equinix data centre in Dubai.

  • Għar ix-Xiħ (English: "Cave of the Old Man" or "Cave of the Sheikh" or "The headman's abode") is a former cave in Xewkija, facing Mġarr ix-Xini, Gozo, Malta.
  • The archaeological evidence thus appears to indicate that elements of IX Hispana were present at Noviomagus sometime after 104 AD (when the previous incumbent legion, X Gemina, was transferred to the Danube) and that IX was probably replaced by a detachment of legion XXX Ulpia Victrix not long after 120 AD.
  • IX. Fliegerkorps (9th Air Corps) was formed in November 1940 in Jever from the 9.
  • In the late 1980s, the main commercial competitor of Merge was VP/IX developed by Interactive Systems Corporation and Phoenix Technologies. AT&T's Simultask 2.0 was based on VP/IX.
  • Tuun Kʼabʼ Hix [...] (Cu Ix, Ku Ix, Kʼaltuun Hix [...]; "Bound-Stone Jaguar") was a Maya king of the Kaan Kingdom.

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