 Übersetzung für 'IZI' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology <IZI> Fraunhofer-Institut {n} für Zelltherapie und Immunologie <IZI>
1 Übersetzung
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  • Fraunhofer-Institut {n} für Zelltherapie und Immunologie <IZI> = Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology <IZI>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • He was born as Iosif Arkhipovich Shabdarov (...) in the village of Izi Luzhalu in Mari El.
  • In 2005, two new institutes, the Leipzig Fraunhofer-Institut for Cell Therapy and Immunology (IZI), and the Fraunhofer Center for Nano-electronic technologies CNT in Dresden, were founded.
  • Cogoleto is known for the Italian rappers Tedua and Izi.
  • With μ Virginis it forms one of the Akkadian s "Mulu-izi"(meaning "Man-of-fire").
  • Né le 10 Decembre 1994 à Rabat, Oussama kahlaoui aka IZI est un auteur-compositeur-réalisateur-interprète évoluant dans un style Pop Urbaine/Rap.

  • Initially also known as Duate, Tedua is known as one of the members of the collective Wild Bandana, along with Izi, Vaz Té, Sangue and Ill Rave.
  • Shaykh Muhammed Mehmet 'Ádil spent his youth in Syria’s capital, Damascus, under the guidance of both Shaykh Abdullah Fa'izi ad-Daghestani and Shaykh Nazim 'Ádil al-Háqqaní ar-Rábbaní, training in the manner and discipline of the Naqshbandi tariqa.
  • "The Piano Room" is a 2013 Macedonian drama film directed by Igor Ivanov Izi.
  • After finishing his activity in his own dental surgery in 2007, he is still working as a lecturer at IZI (Institut of Dental Implantology) in Limburg and gives lessons in cooperation with CSI (Ceska polestnost per Implantologii) at the Karl's University in Prague.
  • Izi mobil is a brand in Bosnian mobile communications market. It was owned by Slovenian Izi mobil group.

  • CVac was manufactured in Germany by Fraunhofer IZI (Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Zelltherapie und Immunologie), an institute of the Fraunhofer Society in Leipzig, Saxony The Fraunhofer IZI was authorized to manufacture the treatment in Europe in late 2011 after meeting criteria laid down by the German "Arzneimittelgesetz" (Drug Law).
  • Following a miss by Izi Castro Marques, McWilliams-Franklin added two more free throws with 35 seconds remaining.
  • Fraunhofer Society institutes: Fraunhofer IZI and Fraunhofer IMW.
  • Kopić appears in Igor Ivanov Izi's 1995 film N.E.P.
  • On 12 April 2018, she released her newest album, "Parmak İzi" (Fingerprint). It features the title track "Koridor" (Corridor).

  • 2 is- and iz- replace isi- and izi- respectively before stems beginning with a vowel, e.g. [...] / [...] (hand/hands).
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