2 Übersetzungen
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- Ichang-Papeda {f} = Ichang papeda [Citrus ichangensis]
- Ichang-Zitrone {f} = Ichang papeda [Citrus ichangensis]
- Mauritius-Papeda {f} = kaffir lime [Citrus hystrix]
- Mauritius-Papeda {f} = combava [Citrus hystrix]
- Mauritius-Papeda {f} = kieffer lime [Citrus hystrix]
- Mauritius-Papeda {f} = limau purut [Citrus hystrix]
- Mauritius-Papeda {f} = jeruk purut [Citrus hystrix]
- Mauritius-Papeda {f} = makrut lime [Citrus hystrix]
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- "Citrus cavaleriei", the Ichang papeda (Chinese: 宜昌橙), is a slow-growing species of papeda that has characteristic lemon-scented foliage and flowers.
- Thought to be an ichang papeda – bitter orange hybrid, the kabosu was brought over from China in the Edo period and became a popular fruit in Japan.
- It is believed to have originated in central China as an F1 hybrid of the "mangshanyeju" subspecies of mandarin orange and the ichang papeda. warm the body, and relax the mind.
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