 Übersetzung für 'J ψ' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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J/ψ meson <J/ψ>
J/ψ-Meson {n} <J/ψ>
psi <Ψ, ψ> [Greek letter]Psi {n} <Ψ, ψ> [griechischer Buchstabe]
pseudouridine <Ψ> [C9H12N2O6]
Pseudouridin {n} <Ψ>
electric flux <Ψ>
elektrischer Kraftfluss {m} <Ψ> [veraltet] [elektrischer Fluss]
dilatancy angle <Ψ>
Dilatanzwinkel {m} <Ψ>
angle of dilatancy <Ψ>
Dilatanzwinkel {m} <Ψ>
J [letter]
{n} [Buchstabe]
j [letter]
{n} [Buchstabe]
joule <J>
Joule {n} <J>
Jahwist <J>
Jahwist {m} <J>
J-bladeSichelmesser {n} [einer Bodenfräse]
judge <J.>
Richter {m}
Yahwist <J>
Jahwist {m} <J>
J-bladeMulchmesser {n} [einer Bodenfräse]
J-shaped {adj}j-förmig [auch: J-förmig]
J-bladeSpatenmesser {n} [einer Bodenfräse]
J [sl.] [joint]
Joint {m} [ugs.]
J-shaped bladeSäbelmesser {n} [einer Bodenfräse]
T.J. Hooker
T.J. Hooker
PB&J Otter
PB&J Otter – Die Rasselbande vom Hoohaw-See
judge <J.> [female]
Richterin {f}
21 Übersetzungen
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  • J/ψ-Meson {n} <J/ψ> = J/ψ meson <J/ψ>
  • Psi {n} <Ψ, ψ> [griechischer Buchstabe] = psi <Ψ, ψ> [Greek letter]
  • der Ehrenwerte J. J./die Ehrenwerte J. J. [Briefanschrift eines Kabinettsmitglieds] = The Honorable John /Jane Jones [Am.] [letter address of cabinet member]
  • ohne Ort und Jahr <o. O. u. J.; o. O. und J.> = no place, no date <n.p., n.d.>
  • Pseudouridin {n} <Ψ> = pseudouridine <Ψ> [C9H12N2O6]
  • Dilatanzwinkel {m} <Ψ> = dilatancy angle <Ψ>
  • Dilatanzwinkel {m} <Ψ> = angle of dilatancy <Ψ>
  • elektrischer Kraftfluss {m} <Ψ> [veraltet] [elektrischer Fluss] = electric flux <Ψ>
  • J {n} [Buchstabe] = J [letter]
  • j {n} [Buchstabe] = j [letter]
  • J. Edgar = J. Edgar [Clint Eastwood]
  • Jahwist {m} <J> = Jahwist <J>
  • Joule {n} <J> = joule <J>
  • Jahwist {m} <J> = Yahwist <J>
  • Jot {n} <J> = J [letter of alphabet]
  • J-Wellen-Ausschlag {m} = prominent J wave [Osborn wave]
  • J-Wellen-Ausschlag {m} = late delta wave [Osborn wave]
  • J wie Julius = J for Jack [Br.]
  • Colburn-Zahl {f} <J> = Colburn number <J>
  • T.J. Hooker = T.J. Hooker
  • Balaban-J-Index {m} = Balaban's J index [also: Balaban J index]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Designated Pc(4312)+ (Pc+ identifies a charmonium-pentaquark while the number between parenthesis indicates a mass of about 4312 MeV), the pentaquark decays to a proton and a J/ψ meson.
  • ... , born January 27, 1936) is a Chinese-American physicist who, with Burton Richter, received the Nobel Prize in 1976 for discovering the subatomic J/ψ particle.
  • He was one of the discoverers of the J/ψ meson which confirmed the existence of the charm quark.
  • 2011 was the first year that LHC data were incorporated into the masterclass There were exercises for ATLAS (Z- and W-bosons measurements), ALICE (for stranger particles), and CMS (J/ψ meson).
  • Therefore, despite the higher temperatures attained in the nuclear collisions at the LHC, more J/ψ mesons are detected by the ALICE experiment in Pb–Pb with respect to p–p.

  • American born Samuel Chao Chung Ting received the 1976 Nobel Prize in physics for discovery of the subatomic particle J/ψ.
  • In November 1974, within two days after the SLAC and BNL announcement, the LNF second generation experiments observed the J/ψ particle.
  • The first evidence of the neutral Zc(3900) was provided by CLEO-c in 2013. It was later observed by BESIII in 2015. It decays into a neutral pion (π0) and a J/ψ meson.
  • A PDP-11/45 was used for the experiment that discovered the J/ψ meson at the Brookhaven National Laboratory. In 1976, Samuel C. C. Ting received the Nobel Prize for this discovery.
  • Examples of mesons include the pion, kaon, and the J/ψ.

  • In 1987, Hoorani joined the International Centre for Theoretical Physics where he continued his research into Quark–gluon plasma and published a brief journal on "Production of J/ψ IK Quark-Gloun Plasma" in February 1988.
  • Since it decays into J/ψ and φ mesons, it has been suggested that this particle is composed of charm quarks and charm antiquarks, possibly even a four quark combination.
  • The Belle collaboration was searching for the B -> K π+ π- J/ψ decay when they discovered a peak in the π+ π- J/ψ invariant energy at 3872 with JCP quantum numbers of 1++.
  • With it he led a team that discovered a new subatomic particle he called a "ψ" (psi).
  • The usual Greek layout follows the US layout for letters related to Latin letters (ABDEHIKLMNOPRSTXYZ, ΑΒΔΕΗΙΚΛΜΝΟΠΡΣΤΧΥΖ, respectively), substitutes phonetically similar letters (Φ at F; Γ at G) and uses the remaining slots for the remaining Greek letters: Ξ at J; Ψ at C; Ω at V; Θ at U).

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