21 Übersetzungen
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- Many reviewers at the time drew comparisons between "Train of Life" and its contemporary competitor films "Life Is Beautiful" and "Jakob the Liar", because all three were released to North American theaters in 1999, but "Train of Life" had been the first in production.
- Taylor-Gordon starred as Lina in the 1999 film "Jakob the Liar", which co-starred Robin Williams.
- Discussion of the film in the mainstream press was rekindled in the late 1990s due to the release of two films with similar themes, "Life Is Beautiful" (1997) and the remake of "Jakob the Liar" (1999).
- She was married to film producer Steven Haft known for the production of "Jakob the Liar" and "Dead Poets Society."
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2024
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