 Übersetzung für 'Junior College' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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junior college [Am.] <juco>
Junior College {n} [College, an dem man die ersten zwei Jahre eines 4-jährigen Studiums absolviert]
further education college [Br.] <FE college>
Volkshochschule {f}
junior {adj}Nachwuchs-
juniorSohnemann {m} [ugs. für: Sohn]
junior {adj}nachgeordnet
junior {adj}jünger
junior {adj}untergeordnet
juniorJunior {m}
junior {adj}nachrangig
junior employeejüngerer Angestellter {m}
junior accountant Junior Accountant {m} [Sachbearbeiter in der Buchhaltung]
junior clerkjüngerer Büroangestellter {m}
junior partnerJuniorteilhaber {m}
junior partnerJunior-Gesellschafter {m}
junior stockjunge Emission {f}
junior professor
Juniorprofessor {m}
junior employee
jugendlicher Angestellter {m}
junior debt
nachrangiges Darlehen {n}
junior debts
Junior Debts {pl}
junior manager
Führungs­nachwuchskraft {f}
junior partnerJuniorchef {m}
21 Übersetzungen
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  • Junior College {n} [College, an dem man die ersten zwei Jahre eines 4-jährigen Studiums absolviert] = junior college [Am.] <juco>
  • Junior {m} = junior
  • Arizona Junior = Raising Arizona [Joel Coen]
  • Frankenstein Junior = Young Frankenstein [Mel Brooks]
  • Junior-Partner {m} = junior partner
  • Junior-Gesellschafter {m} = junior partner
  • Junior Debts {pl} = junior debts
  • Junior Bonner = Junior Bonner [Sam Peckinpah]
  • Buzz! Junior Monsterspaß = Buzz! Junior: Monster Rumble
  • Buzz! Junior Monsterspaß = Buzz! Junior: Monster Rally [in North America]
  • junior <jr., jun.> = junior <Jun., jun., Jnr, Jr>
  • Chaos! Schwiegersohn Junior im Gerichtssaal = Jury Duty [John Fortenberry]
  • Junior-Offizier {m} [bes. als Lehnübersetzung] = junior officer
  • Chaos-Junior – Ein Trottel im Gerichtssaal = Jury Duty [John Fortenberry]
  • Junior Accountant {m} [Sachbearbeiter in der Buchhaltung] = junior accountant
  • College {n} = college
  • College- = collegiate
  • College-Bibliothek {f} = college library
  • College-Karriere {f} = college career
  • College-Ausbildung {f} = college education
  • angegliedertes College {n} = affiliated college
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The school opened in 1932 as Boise Junior College and became Boise State University in 1974.
  • Community colleges offer another option at this transitional stage of education. They provide nonresidential junior college courses to people living in a particular area.
  • Founded officially in 1946 as Montgomery Junior College, its name comes from the county in which it is located.
  • It is composed of 2 colleges: Modesto Junior College in Modesto and Columbia College in Sonora in Tuolumne County to the northeast.
  • Institutes of higher learning that are located in Fukushima include Fukushima University, Fukushima Medical University, Fukushima College, and Sakura no Seibo Junior College.

  • In 2015, the Siwavaats Junior College in Havasu Lake, California, was established to teach children the language. A Chemehuevi dictionary with 2,500 words was expected to become available in 2016.
  • There are also several technical schools based in San Juan, including the Technological College of San Juan, the "Liceo de Artes y Ciencias", Ramirez College of Business and Technology, and the Puerto Rico Technical Junior College.
  • Some research organizations and publications focus upon the activities of community college, junior college, and technical college institutions.
  • Having already founded Fresno Junior College in 1907 (now Fresno City College), McLane arranged for Fresno State to co-locate with the junior college and to synchronize schedules so teachers-in-training could take liberal arts courses at the junior college.
  • Central New Mexico Community College is a county-funded junior college serving new high school graduates and adults returning to school.

  • When it was opened, it was named Palm Beach Junior College.
  • Both later joined Xavier Junior College as English teachers in 1966.
  • Graduates from the school are equivalent to graduates from a junior college.
  • The Tyler Junior College Apache Belles drill team performed during the pregame and halftime festivities.
  • Galveston College, a junior college that opened in 1967, and Texas A&M University at Galveston, an ocean-oriented branch campus of Texas A&M University.

  • One United States college and one junior college are named for Lee: Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia; and Lee College in Baytown, Texas, respectively.
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