 Übersetzung für 'Junk-DNA' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   junk DNA | -
junk DNA
Junk-DNA {f}
junk DNA
Erbgut-Müll {m}
junk DNA [dark matter]
Müll-DNA {f} [nicht-kodierende Abschnitte auf der DNA]
junk DNA [obs.]
nichtkodierende DNA {f}
4 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In order to nudge the evolution of the dinosaurs towards intelligence, The Watcher restores five ancestral digits which are buried in the junk DNA of "Nanotyrannus".
  • His research focuses primarily on the issue of genome size evolution (the "C-value enigma") in animals and the origins and biological significance of "junk DNA".
  • The telomere has repetitive junk DNA and hence any enzymatic damage will not affect the coded regions.
  • He is a supporter of the concept of junk DNA.
  • Non-functional DNA elements such as pseudogenes and repetitive DNA, both of which are types of junk DNA, can also be found in intergenic regions—although they may also be located within genes in introns.

  • Some researchers speculated that this repetitive DNA was mostly junk DNA.
  • He writes in "The Evolution of Human Sexuality" (1979): Likewise, the persistence of junk DNA that believed at that time provides no benefit to its host can be explained on the basis that it is not subject to selection.
  • Since then and as an emerging trend of studies in molecular evolution, CNE has been applied to broader features of biology and evolutionary history including some models of eukaryogenesis, the emergence of complex interdependence in microbial communities, and "de novo" formation of functional elements from non-functional transcripts of junk DNA.
  • Human satellite II is an exceptionally high-copy but unexplored sequence of the human genome thought of as junk DNA has a surprising ability to impact master regulators of our genome, and it goes awry in 50 percent of tumors.
  • While historically viewed as "junk DNA", research suggests in some cases, both LINEs and SINEs were incorporated into novel genes to form new functions.

  • Similar protective effects have been observed with type I, Thus, chromosomal toxin-antitoxin systems would serve no purpose and could be treated as "junk DNA".
  • Also, as scientists understand more about the role of this noncoding DNA (often referred to as junk DNA), it will become more important to have a complete genome sequence as a background to understanding the genetics and biology of any given organism.
  • Heterochromatin consists very often of remains of viral genomes, transposons and other junk DNA.
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