 Übersetzung für 'Just kidding' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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just kidding <J/K, jk>scherzhaft gemeint
Just kidding! [coll.]Kleiner Scherz am Rande! [ugs.]
Just kidding. [coll.]Nein, Spaß. [ugs.]
3 Wörter
I'm just kidding.Ich scherze nur.
4 Wörter
I was just kidding.Das war doch nur Spaß. [Redewendung]
kiddingFoppen {n}
kiddingFlachs {m} [ugs.] [Scherz]
kidding {adj} {pres-p}scherzend
kidding {adj} {pres-p}veräppelnd
No kidding!Wem sagst du das! [bestätigend]
No kidding!Im Ernst!
no kiddingohne Schmäh [österr.] [ugs.]
kidding [goat]
Zickeln {n}
kidding [goat]
Lammen {n} [ein Ziegenlamm zur Welt bringen]
kidding apartohne Flachs [ugs.]
no kiddingohne Flachs [ugs.]
No kidding!Ohne Witz!
Kidding aside.Scherz beiseite.
Kidding aside.Spaß beiseite.
No kidding? [coll.]Im Ernst?
No kidding? [coll.]Allen Ernstes? [ugs.]
No kidding? [coll.]Echt jetzt? [ugs.]
No kidding! [coll.]Kein Witz! [ugs.]
Are you kidding?Willst du mich auf den Arm nehmen? [Redewendung]
Who am I kidding?Wem mache ich etwas vor?
25 Übersetzungen
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!

Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • For CTC Network Soho Media adapted Just Kidding Me which is hosted by Russian pop star Glyukoza and produced the original Russian talent search show similar to American Idol.
  • Around the world, the book was released with different titles: "Just Kidding!
  • The two also were a part of the comedy troupe Just Kidding along with Craig Neuman.
  • Davies was born in Ballarat, Victoria. In 1996, she hosted an Australian series called "Just Kidding!", which featured pranks played on an unsuspecting public.
  • Polus and Callicles are both astounded at Socrates' position and wonder if he is just kidding (481b).

  • Homer asks if Marge is ready for a "real workout" which turns out to be a request to wax the car, after which he gets beaten by Marge until he says that he was just kidding.
  • When he gets upset, she tells him she’s just kidding.
  • Maybe she was just kidding me at home. I was just reporting honestly, but the public probably think I conned them".
  • She also pursued and won a recurring singing role on Just Kidding on the same station.
  • They were most notably made famous by their many appearances on "Just Kidding Films", "Just Kidding News, "Just Kidding Party" as well as the vlog channels of the members of JK.

  • Mascot Mania's sister title for the AFL, a tie-in game for its Mascot Manor on the same platform, received an independent review from, Just Kidding, a gaming magazine targeted at school age children, saying the game hits the mark and giving it 4 out of 5.
  • Grimes suffers from extreme stage fright, causing her to appear visibly nervous and talk in long, fast-paced sentences; she often uses the phrase "just kidding" to punctuate her run-on sentences.
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