21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- extended supersymmetry, the moduli space of vacua is a special Kähler manifold and its Kähler potential is constrained by above conditions.
- A constant shift to the Kähler potential changes the effective Planck constant, while a constant shift to the superpotential changes the effective cosmological constant.
- Here "ρ" is called a local Kähler potential for "ω".
- The situation of compact Kähler manifolds is special, because the Kähler–Einstein equation can be reformulated as a complex Monge–Ampere equation for a smooth Kähler potential on [...].
- is known as the canonical Kähler potential. There is residual freedom to make a unitary transformation in order to diagonalise the mass matrix [...].
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