 Übersetzung für 'K 9' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a K-9 | K-9s
K-9 [police dog]Polizeihund {m}
Fiktion (Literatur und Film)
K-9 [Rod Daniel]
Mein Partner mit der kalten Schnauze
K-9: P.I. [Richard J. Lewis]
Mein Partner mit der kalten Schnauze 3
Border Protection Group 9 <GSG 9> [the elite Police Tactical Unit of the German Federal Police (Bundespolizei)]GSG 9 {f} (der Bundespolizei) <GSG 9 BPOL>
knit [knit stitch] <k, K>
rechte Masche {f} <re M>
knit stitch <k, K>
rechte Masche {f} <re M>
sodium-potassium pump <Na-K pump, Na/K pump>
Na-K-Pumpe {f}
Neuner-Eisen {n}
9-Sitzer {m}
pentaborane(9) [B5H9]
Pentaboran(9) {n}
9 iron [golf]
Eisen {n} 9 [Golf]
under point 9 {adv}unter Punkt 9
nine eleven <9/11>
der 11. September {m} [auch: der elfte September] [die Terroranschläge vom 11. September 2001]
false 9 [false nine]
Falsche 9 {f} [falscher Neuner]
post-9/11 {adj} [attr.]
nach dem 11. September 2001 [nachgestellt]
at 9 o'clock sharp {adv}genau um neun
open from 9 to {adj}geöffnet von 9 bis 6
nine eleven {sg} <9/11>
(die) Terroranschläge {pl} am 11. September 2001
He comes off duty at 9.Sein Dienst endet um 9.
Minkowski 2-9 [M2-9] [a planetary nebula]
Schmetterlings­nebel {m}
Plan 9 from Outer Space [Edward D. Wood Jr.]
Plan 9 from Outer Space
The motion is adopted by 13 votes to 9.
Der Antrag ist mit 13 Stimmen gegen 9 angenommen worden.
Kock pouch <k-pouch, K-pouch>
Kock-Pouch {m} <K-Pouch>
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Übersetzung für 'K 9' von Englisch nach Deutsch

K-9 [police dog]
Polizeihund {m}

K-9 [Rod Daniel]
Mein Partner mit der kalten SchnauzefilmF
K-9: P.I. [Richard J. Lewis]
Mein Partner mit der kalten Schnauze 3filmF

Border Protection Group 9 <GSG 9> [the elite Police Tactical Unit of the German Federal Police (Bundespolizei)]
GSG 9 {f} (der Bundespolizei) <GSG 9 BPOL>
knit [knit stitch] <k, K>
rechte Masche {f} <re M>textil.
knit stitch <k, K>
rechte Masche {f} <re M>textil.
sodium-potassium pump <Na-K pump, Na/K pump>
Na-K-Pumpe {f}med.
Neuner-Eisen {n}sports
9-Sitzer {m}automot.
pentaborane(9) [B5H9]
Pentaboran(9) {n}chem.
9 iron [golf]
Eisen {n} 9 [Golf]sports
under point 9 {adv}
unter Punkt 9
nine eleven <9/11>
der 11. September {m} [auch: der elfte September] [die Terroranschläge vom 11. September 2001]hist.
false 9 [false nine]
Falsche 9 {f} [falscher Neuner]sports
post-9/11 {adj} [attr.]
nach dem 11. September 2001 [nachgestellt]hist.
at 9 o'clock sharp {adv}
genau um neun
open from 9 to 6 {adj}
geöffnet von 9 bis 6
nine eleven {sg} <9/11>
(die) Terroranschläge {pl} am 11. September 2001hist.
He comes off duty at 9.
Sein Dienst endet um 9.
Minkowski 2-9 [M2-9] [a planetary nebula]
Schmetterlings­nebel {m}astron.
Plan 9 from Outer Space [Edward D. Wood Jr.]
Plan 9 from Outer SpacefilmF
The motion is adopted by 13 votes to 9.
Der Antrag ist mit 13 Stimmen gegen 9 angenommen worden.pol.
Kock pouch <k-pouch, K-pouch>
Kock-Pouch {m} <K-Pouch>med.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The department also operates a police K-9 unit and specialized detective divisions.
  • As of January 2014, the Department has a K-9 unit.
  • The department has 14 full-time sworn officers, two reserve police officers and special agent “Reso”, a K-9 unit.
  • The Perry Police Department (PPD) is a 24-person agency with four Patrol K-9 teams.
  • In 1992 the International Bilingual School, a Japanese preparatory school for grades K-9, moved to Palos Verdes Estates.

  • The department pistol range is located on Truxtun Avenue, with the K-9 training grounds next door to the range.
  • By 2005, more than 1,600 students were enrolled in the school district's three schools, serving grades K9.
  • In addition to the district public school, there is a charter school, Masada Charter School, serving students in grades K9.
  • The Helena Police Department includes a K-9 unit.
  • Coyote had a cameo as the true identity of an alien hunter (a parody of "Predator") in the "Duck Dodgers" episode "K-9 Quarry," voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.

  • Ramey also hosts the University of Puerto Rico at Aguadilla and the Friedrich Froebel Bilingual School (K-9).
  • He used to have a partner, known as Bowser. He was a canine ("K-9") mascot that worked in tandem with Boomer.
  • For example, K9♣ 8♣ 5♣ x. A flush draw has nine outs (thirteen cards of the suit less the four already in the hand).
  • In the novel "World War Z", by Max Brooks, the people of Mitchell are almost entirely infected and turned into zombies.
  • Bell County has one of the highest ratios of local peace officer deaths of any KY or U.S.

  • In "The Poison Sky", Commander Skorr and his troops carry large laser rifles into battle.
  • Tag Rugby is a version in which the players wear a belt with two tags attached by velcro, the removal of either counting as a 'tackle'.
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