1 Übersetzung
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- Kasachische Sozialistische Sowjetrepublik {f} <KSSR / KaSSR> = Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic <KSSR / KaSSR>
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- The Karelo-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic was established by the Soviet government on 31 March 1940 by merging the KASSR with the Finnish Democratic Republic.
- Tens of thousands of radical Finns—from Finland, the United States and Canada—took up Stalin's 1923 appeal to create a new Soviet society in the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (KASSR), a part of Russia.
- Gylling had promoted the adoption of Finnish rather than Karelian within the KASSR as he and the other émigré Finns who dominated the leadership of Karelia before 1935 did not consider Karelian to be anything more than a rustic dialect of Finnish.
- Under the Soviet regime, the building of the former orphanage housed various state institutions: in 1929 - KazTsIK, the Council of People's Commissars, Gosplan KASSR.
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