 Übersetzung für 'Kabardian' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Kabardian (language)
Kabardinisch {n}
Kabardian language
kabardinische Sprache {f}
2 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'Kabardian' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Kabardian (language)
Kabardinisch {n}ling.
Kabardian language
kabardinische Sprache {f}ling.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Proto-Circassian (or Proto-Adyghe–Kabardian) is the reconstructed common ancestor of the Adyghean and Kabardian languages.
  • In January 1764, several Kabardian nobles including Atajuq Misost Bematiqwa met with the representative of the Russian Kizlyar commandant N.
  • Loanwords from Ossetian, Kabardian, Arabic, and Persian are fairly numerous.
  • In January 1764, Kabardian nobles including Bematiqwa met with the representative of the Russian Kizlyar, commandant Major General N.
  • Jankhot Qushuq (...) was the Kabardian Grand Prince between 1809 and 1822 and head of the Kabardian Provisional Court between 1822 and 1830.

  • ... − 13 July 1988) was a Soviet Kabardian lyrics, prose, and play writer, primarily known as one of the founders of the Kabardian children's literature.
  • Among other works, he has published grammar books of the Kabardian language.
  • Kabardian grammar refers to the whole system and structure of East Circassian (Kabardian) language.
  • In 1787, as part of the Kabardian national militia, he took part in the Russo-Turkish War of 1787-1792 in Kuban.
  • Jaimoukha devised a Latin orthography for Kabardian (Eastern Circassian) that is characterised by relative simplicity (considering the complexity of the language).

  • Nakhushev was born on 5 September 1984 in Nalchik, Russian SFSR, to Circassian (Kabardian) parents.
  • Kurgoqo Atajuq ([...]; [...]; ?–1709/1710) was the Kabardian Supreme Prince between 1695 and 1709 (or 1710). The war increased Kabardian authority in the Caucasus.
  • Yuri Khatuevich Temirkanov ([...]; [...]; born December 10, 1938) is a Russian conductor of Circassian (Kabardian) origin.
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