| NOUN | a Kachin red-backed vole | Kachin red-backed voles |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| zool.T Kachin red-backed vole [Eothenomys cachinus] | Kachin-Rötelmaus {f} | |
| zool.T Kachin red-backed vole [Eothenomys cachinus] | Burmesische Rotrücken-Wühlmaus {f} | |
Teiltreffer |
| zool.T Sichuan red-backed vole [Eothenomys chinensis] | Sichuan-Rötelmaus {f} | |
| zool.T Yulongxuen red-backed vole [Eothenomys proditor] | Yulungshan-Rotrücken-Wühlmaus {f} | |
| zool.T Yulongxuen red-backed vole [Eothenomys proditor] | Yulungshan-Rötelmaus {f} | |
| zool.T southern red-backed vole [Myodes gapperi] | Nordamerikanische Rötelmaus {f} | |
| zool.T Sichuan red-backed vole [Eothenomys chinensis] | Sichuan-Rotrücken-Wühlmaus {f} | |
| zool.T Hokkaido red-backed vole [Myodes rex] | Hokkaido-Rötelmaus {f} | |
| zool.T western red-backed vole [Myodes californicus] | Westamerikanische Rötelmaus {f} | |
| zool.T Southwest China (red-backed) vole [Eothenomys custos] | Südwestchinesische Rötelmaus {f} | |
| zool.T Southwest China (red-backed) vole [Eothenomys custos] | Atunsi-Rotrücken-Wühlmaus {f} | |
| zool.T black-eared red-backed vole [Eothenomys olitor] | Schwarzohrige Rotrücken-Wühlmaus {f} | |
| zool.T Ward's red-backed vole [Eothenomys wardi] | Ward-Rötelmaus {f} | |
| zool.T Ward's red-backed vole [Eothenomys wardi] | Chamutong-Rotrücken-Wühlmaus {f} | |
| zool.T Gapper's red-backed vole [Myodes gapperi] | Nordamerikanische Rötelmaus {f} | |
| zool.T Tien Shan red-backed vole [Myodes centralis] | Tianshan-Rötelmaus {f} | |
| zool.T Imaizumi's red-backed vole [Myodes imaizumii] | Imaizumi-Rötelmaus {f} | |
| zool.T black-eared red-backed vole [Eothenomys olitor] | Schwarzohr-Rötelmaus {f} | |
| zool.T Yunnan red-backed vole [Eothenomys miletus, syn.: E. fidelis] | Chinesische Gebirgs-Rotrücken-Wühlmaus {f} | |
| zool.T Père David's (red-backed) vole [Eothenomys melanogaster, syn.: E. kanoi, Microtus aurora, M. bonzo, M. mucronatus] | Père-David-Rötelmaus {f} | |
| zool.T Père David's (red-backed) vole [Eothenomys melanogaster, syn.: E. kanoi, Microtus aurora, M. bonzo, M. mucronatus] | Père Davids Rotrücken-Wühlmaus {f} | |
| zool.T northern red-backed vole [Myodes rutilus, formerly: Clethrionomys rutilus] | Polarrötelmaus {f} | |
22 Übersetzungen
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The Kachin red-backed vole ("Eothenomys cachinus") is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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