 Übersetzung für 'Kachin' von Englisch nach Deutsch
SYNO Kachin | Kachinic
Kachin red-backed vole [Eothenomys cachinus]
Kachin-Rötelmaus {f}
Kachin red-backed vole [Eothenomys cachinus]
Burmesische Rotrücken-Wühlmaus {f}
2 Übersetzungen
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  • Kachin-Rötelmaus {f} = Kachin red-backed vole [Eothenomys cachinus]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Lakum is a village in Shwegu Township in Bhamo District in the Kachin State of north-eastern Burma.
  • Kawnglangphu is located in far-north of Burma, Kachin State. The town very ghostly and surrounded by snow-capped mountains of Kachin State.
  • Maran Brang Seng, (16 June 1931 – 8 August 1994) was a Kachin politician and Chairman of the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO).
  • During most of the unit's existence, it funded and coordinated various resistance groups made up of the Kachin people of northern Burma.
  • Gunhtang Gam Shawng is a Kachin political and military leader.

  • He is a member of the National League for Democracy Party, he was elected as an Amyotha Hluttaw MP, winning a majority of 31058 votes and elected representative from kachin State No.
  • He is a member of the National League for Democracy Party, he was elected as an Amyotha Hluttaw MP, winning a majority of 31065 and elected representative from kachin State No.
  • He is a member of the National League for Democracy Party, he was elected as an Pyithu Hluttaw MP, winning a majority of 15,367 votes and elected representative from kachin State No.
  • The Kachin peoples are a heterogenous collection of ethnic groups that live in northern Myanmar (Kachin State), with each ethnic group possessing their own variation of traditional attire.
  • Kachin cuisine is food originating from the Kachinland area, which includes the northern areas of Myanmar, as well as parts of China and Arunachal Pradesh, associated with Kachin.

  • He has served as Chief Minister of Kachin State, the head of the Kachin State Government, since March 2016.
  • This article pertains to modern economic, social, and political relations between the People's Republic of China, and the rebel-occupied Kachin State of northern Myanmar.
  • After 1995, in Kachin State Mohnyin District was created out of Myitkyina District as part of the peace agreement with the Kachin Independence Army.
  • 12 June: Clashes between the Burmese military troops and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) at Sang Gang, Kachin State, Northern Burma.
  • The Myanmar Air Force used the Mi-24 in the Kachin conflict against the Kachin Independence Army.

  • In Hopi mythology, Ahöl Mana is a Kachina Mana, a maiden spirit, also called a kachina.
  • Uyen Sinwa Nhpan Ja Ra ([...]; 1932 − 9 January 2023) was a Kachin classical singer who is regarded as the 'mother of Kachin art'.
  • La John Ngan Hsai ([...]; also spelt Lajawn Ngan Seng) was the Chief Minister of Kachin State, Myanmar from 2011 to 2016. He is an ethnic Kachin businessman.
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