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- Da geht Kafka [Essay-Sammlung; Johannes Urzidil] = There Goes Kafka [collection of essays]
- Franz Kafka - Ein Schriftstellerleben [Joachim Unseld] = Kafka - A Writer's Life
- Kafka = Kafka [Steven Soderbergh]
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- Although he was a prolific writer in his own right, he is best remembered as the friend and biographer of writer Franz Kafka.
- Glatzer championed the writings of Franz Kafka to American audiences.
- Kafka has been cited as an influence on the Japanese writer Haruki Murakami, who paid homage to Kafka in his novel "Kafka on the Shore" with the namesake protagonist.
- Pasley is best known for his work on the Kafka writings.
- When the character Mudra is first encountered, the noises he emits are the gurgling sound "Gogogol" and the coughing noise "Kafkafka", as references to writers Nikolai Gogol and Franz Kafka, whose names they are distorting.
- The novels of Franz Kafka, the Austrian writer known for his fictional worlds which are oppressive and sometimes nightmarish, are recalled in Oyamada's storytelling.
- Many reviewers and commentators felt that Goodman overanalyzed Kafka and overextended specific symbolism, with farfetched or reductive speculation and obscure personal referents.
- Franz Kafka's father, Hermann Kafka, was a haberdasher.
- While Kafka had a relatively small literary output, his influence is so immense that Stach estimates there are at least 130,000 web sites devoted to him.
- Mark H. Gelber 2019, "Kafka and Brod After the Trial and Judgements in Israel," in Iris Bruce and Mark H. Gelber (Eds.), Kafka after Kafka (Rochester: Camden House 2019), 79-97.
- During 1939 he was mobilized on behalf of Max Brod, Franz Kafka's friend and literary executor.
- The next morning, Daniel does amphetamine with Kafka, and Kafka confesses that despite everything he's done wrong, he still loves Daniel.
- The Lyra has a body ("kafka", or "kafki") with a pear-shaped soundboard ("kapaki"), or one which is essentially oval in shape, with two small semi-circular soundholes.
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