Übersetzung für '
Kaluga fish' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a Kaluga fish | Kaluga fishes / Kaluga fish |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| fishT Kaluga (fish) [Huso dauricus] | Kaluga-Hausen {m} | |
| fishT Kaluga (fish) [Huso dauricus] | Sibirischer Hausen {m} | |
Teiltreffer |
| geogr. Kaluga | Kaluga {n} | |
| fishT red bandfish / band-fish / band fish [Cepola macrophthalma, syn.: Cepola rubescens] [red ribbonfish] | Roter (Gemeiner) Bandfisch {m} | |
| orn.T vulturine fish-eagle / fish eagle [Gypohierax angolensis] | Palmgeier {m} | |
| fishT African knifefish / knife-fish / knife fish [Xenomystus nigri, syn.: Notopterus nigri, N. nili] | Afrikanischer Messerfisch {m} | |
| zool.T compass jellyfish / jelly-fish / jelly fish [Chrysaora hysoscella, syn.: Medusa hysoscella] | Kompassqualle {f} | |
| fishT bayonet-fish / bayonet fish [Istiophorus platypterus] | Segelfisch {m} | |
| fishT bayonet-fish / bayonet fish [Istiophorus platypterus] | Fächerfisch {m} | |
| fishT Mediterranean scaldfish / scald-fish / scald fish [Arnoglossus laterna, syn.: A. macrostoma, Pleuronectes arnoglossus, P. conspersus, P. diaphanus, P. laterna, P. leotardi, Rhombus soleaeformis] | Lammzunge {f} | |
| educ.sociol. big-fish-little-pond effect / big fish little pond effect <BFLPE> | Bezugsgruppeneffekt {m} [veraltend] [Fischteicheffekt] | |
| educ.sociol. big-fish-little-pond effect / big fish little pond effect <BFLPE> | Fischteicheffekt {m} | |
| naut. fish | Schalungskantel {n} [am Mast] 23 | |
| to fish | fischen 1306 | |
| fishgastr.zool. fish | Fisch {m} 32767 | |
| comm. fish shop | Fischgeschäft {n} | |
| fish oil | Tran {m} [von Fischen] | |
| fish fish population | Fischpopulation {f} | |
| fish tank | Kalter {m} [österr.] [südd.] [kurz für: Fischkalter] | |
| ecol.fish fish monitoring | Fischmonitoring {n} | |
| fish farms | Fischfarmen {pl} | |
| fish marine fish {pl} | Meeresfische {pl} | |
22 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'Kaluga fish' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- Kaluga (fish) [Huso dauricus]
- Kaluga-Hausen {m}fishT
Sibirischer Hausen {m}fishT
- Kaluga
- Kaluga {n}geogr.
- red bandfish / band-fish / band fish [Cepola macrophthalma, syn.: Cepola rubescens] [red ribbonfish]
- Roter (Gemeiner) Bandfisch {m}fishT
- vulturine fish-eagle / fish eagle [Gypohierax angolensis]
- Palmgeier {m}orn.T
- African knifefish / knife-fish / knife fish [Xenomystus nigri, syn.: Notopterus nigri, N. nili]
- Afrikanischer Messerfisch {m}fishT
- compass jellyfish / jelly-fish / jelly fish [Chrysaora hysoscella, syn.: Medusa hysoscella]
- Kompassqualle {f}zool.T
- bayonet-fish / bayonet fish [Istiophorus platypterus]
- Segelfisch {m}fishT
Fächerfisch {m}fishT
- Mediterranean scaldfish / scald-fish / scald fish [Arnoglossus laterna, syn.: A. macrostoma, Pleuronectes arnoglossus, P. conspersus, P. diaphanus, P. laterna, P. leotardi, Rhombus soleaeformis]
- Lammzunge {f}fishT
- big-fish-little-pond effect / big fish little pond effect <BFLPE>
- Bezugsgruppeneffekt {m} [veraltend] [Fischteicheffekt]educ.sociol.
Fischteicheffekt {m}educ.sociol.
- fish
- Schalungskantel {n} [am Mast]naut.
Fisch {m}fishgastr.zool.
- to fish
- fischen
- fish shop
- Fischgeschäft {n}comm.
- fish oil
- Tran {m} [von Fischen]
- fish population
- Fischpopulation {f}fish
- fish tank
- Kalter {m} [österr.] [südd.] [kurz für: Fischkalter]
- fish monitoring
- Fischmonitoring {n}ecol.fish
- fish farms
- Fischfarmen {pl}
- marine fish {pl}
- Meeresfische {pl}fish
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Taimen, lenok, kaluga and loach are among the fish species found in the waters of the lake.
- The present name of the site, 黄鱼圈 ("Huángyú juān", literally "Yellow Fish Circle"), is said to be a corruption of the original homophonic 鳇鱼圈 ("Huángyú juān", Kaluga sturgeon Circle).
- The kaluga has been hunted to near extinction for its valuable roe.
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