 Übersetzung für 'Kashubian' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Kashubian {adj}kaschubisch
Kaschubisch {n}
Kashubian [Kashubian people]Kaschube {m}
Kashubian buttercup [Ranunculus cassubicus]
Kaschuben-Hahnenfuß {m}
Kashubian buttercup [Ranunculus cassubicus]
Wenden-Goldhahnenfuß {m}
Kashubian vetch [Vicia cassubica]
Kassuben-Wicke {f}
6 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • When integrated into Poland, those envisioning Kashubian autonomy faced a Communist regime striving for ethnic homogeneity and presenting Kashubian culture as merely folklore.
  • , meaning company or society, plural: maszoperie) was a socio-economic organisation of coastal Kashubian fishermen, especially from Kashubian villages on the Hel Peninsula (Chałupy, Kuźnica, Jastarnia).
  • Jan Alfons Wyrowiński (born 27 August 1947, Brusy) is a Polish politician and Kashubian activist. He was the chairman of Kashubian-Pomeranian Association in the period 1994–1999.
  • Brunon Synak (23 October 1943 – 18 December 2013) was a Kashubian sociologist, politician and local government activist. He was Chairman of the Main Board of the Kashubian-Pomeranian Association.
  • Józef Borzyszkowski (born 6 February 1946, Karsin) is a prolific Polish historian, professor of history at Gdańsk University, and Kashubian activist, who served as chairman of the Kashubian-Pomeranian Association from 1986 to 1992.

  • Wdzydze (Kashubian "Jezoro Wdzydzczé"), also known as the "Kashubian Sea", "Big Water" and "Szerzawa", is a lake in the Tuchola Forest in the Kościerzyna County (Pomeranian Voivodeship), in the region of South Kashubia.
  • Although Father Heyke's works were rarely published during the period of Communist rule, his life and writings now enjoy their proper place in Kashubian culture.
  • "Life and Adventures of Remus - the Kashubian Mirror" (Kashubian title "Żëce i przigodë Remusa - Zvjercadło kaszubskji") is a novel written in the Kashubian language by Dr.
  • Marian Jeliński (Kashubian: Marión Jelińsczi) was born in Siemirowice (Kashubian: Szëmrejce), in 1949.
  • The Kashubian diaspora resulted from the emigration of Kashubians mainly in two waves occurring in the second half of the 19th century.

  • Other famous products include kashubian strawberry ("kaszëbskô malëna"), gingerbreads from Toruń and alcohol beverages from Gdańsk: Goldwasser (herbal liqueur with flakes of gold leaf) and machandel (juniper vodka).
  • (kashubian: Tëchlink) is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Sierakowice, within Kartuzy County, Pomeranian Voivodeship, in northern Poland.
  • (kashubian: Mòjszewskô Hëta) is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Sierakowice, within Kartuzy County, Pomeranian Voivodeship, in northern Poland.
  • (kashubian: Lësé Jamë) is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Sierakowice, within Kartuzy County, Pomeranian Voivodeship, in northern Poland.
  • (kashubian: Kùjôtë) is a Kashubian village in the administrative district of Gmina Sierakowice, within Kartuzy County, Pomeranian Voivodeship, in northern Poland.

  • ... Magazine for the Kashubian issues"). Concurrently, he initiated other Kashubian cultural and political programs and began gathering Kashubian intelligentsia around himself.
  • The Kashubian Flag Holiday (Kashubian: "Swiãto Kaszëbsczi Fanë"; Polish: "Święto flagi kaszubskiej") happens on 18 August as the anniversary of the first time the Kashubian flag was displayed.
  • Szwajcaria Kaszubska ("Kaszëbskô Szwajcariô", Kashubian and [...]) (literally: "Kashubian Switzerland") is the northern region of the Kashubian Lake District.
  • The Kashubian Language Council (Kashubian: Radzëzna Kaszëbsczégò Jãzëka; Polish: Rada Języka Kaszubskiego) is a body of the Kashubian-Pomeranian Association that oversees and promotes the Kashubian language.
  • Beheading the Kite ([...] , [...]) is a Kashubian Midsummer Eve custom of ritually beheading a kite, a bird which in the Kashubian region used to symbolize evil.

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