 Übersetzung für 'Kasimovian' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   the Kasimovian | -
Kasimovium {n}
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'Kasimovian' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Kasimovium {n}geol.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The Kasimovian is a geochronologic age or chronostratigraphic stage in the ICS geologic timescale.
  • The Kasimovian is named after the Russian city of Kasimov, and originally included as part of Nikitin's original 1890 definition of the Moscovian.
  • The unit contains middle to upper Missourian (Kasimovian) fusulinids and conodonts, including several species of the fusulinid "Triticites" and the conodont "Idiognathodus symmetricus", related species, and species of "Streptognathodus".
  • The top of the Kasimovian stage is close to the first appearance of "Streptognathodus zethus". The golden spike for the Kasimovian stage has not yet been assigned (in 2008).
  • Two species ("Idiognathodus toretzianus" and "Idiognathodus sagittatus") are amongst the three conodonts forming the biozones of the Kasimovian, the third stage in the Pennsylvanian.

  • The SCLIP is associated with the Moscovian and Kasimovian stages of the Carboniferous rainforest collapse around 296-310 Ma together with the Siberian Barguzin-Vitim LIP.
  • The lower beds may be Missourian (Kasimovian) in age while the uppermost beds may be Wolfcampian (Cisuralian) in age.
  • It preserves fossils dating back to the Moscovian to Kasimovian Ages of the early Pennsylvanian.
  • The Virgilian or Conemaugh corresponds to the Gzhelian plus the uppermost Kasimovian.
  • The (regionally defined) Westphalian stage corresponds to the upper part of the (internationally used) Bashkirian stage together with the whole of the Moscovian and Kasimovian stages.

  • The top of the Moscovian (base of the Kasimovian) is at the base of the fusulinid biozone of "Obsoletes obsoletes" and "Protriticites pseudomontiparus", or with the first appearance of the ammonite genus "Parashumardites".
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