| med. Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome | Kimmelstiel-Wilson-Syndrom {n} | |
Teiltreffer |
| med. Wilson-Mikity syndrome <WMS> | Wilson-Mikity-Syndrom {n} <WMS> [bronchopulmonale Dysplasie] | |
| med. Zuelzer-Wilson syndrome [also: Zuelzer-Wilson's syndrome] | Zuelzer-Wilson-Syndrom {n} [auch: Jirásek-Zuelzer-Wilson-Syndrom] | |
| med. Wilson's / Wilson lead | Wilson-Ableitung {f} <W-Ableitung> [EKG] | |
| phys. Wilson loop | Wilson-Loop {m} | |
| math. Wilson prime | Wilson-Primzahl {f} | |
| geogr. Wilson Portal | Wilson-Portal {n} | |
| geogr. Wilson Hills | Wilson Hills {pl} | |
| geogr. Wilson Piedmont Glacier | Wilson-Piedmont-Gletscher {m} | |
| phys. Wilson cloud chamber | wilsonsche Nebelkammer {f} | |
| phys. Wilson cloud chamber | Wilson'sche Nebelkammer {f} | |
| phys. (Wilson) cloud chamber | Expansionsnebelkammer {f} (nach Wilson) | |
| med. Wilson's disease <WD> | Kupferspeicherkrankheit {f} | |
| med. Wilson's disease <WD> | Wilson-Krankheit {f} | |
| med. Wilson's disease <WD> | Morbus Wilson {m} | |
| med. Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome <OWR syndrome> [hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia] | Osler-Weber-Rendu-Syndrom {n} | |
| VetMed. stillbirth, mummification, embryonic death, and infertility syndrome <SMEDI syndrome> | SMEDI-Syndrom {n} | |
| med. iliotibial band syndrome <ITBS, ITB syndrome> [runner's knee] | Iliotibialbandsyndrom {n} <ITBS, ITB-Syndrom> [Läuferknie] | |
| med. iliotibial band syndrome <ITBS, ITB syndrome> [runner's knee] | ilio-tibiales Bandsyndrom {n} <ITBS, ITB-Syndrom> [Läuferknie] | |
| med. anti-phospholipid (antibody) syndrome <APS, APLA syndrome> [Hughes syndrome] | Antiphospholipidantikörpersyndrom {n} <APS> [auch: Antiphospholipid-Antikörper-Syndrom, Antiphospholipidsyndrom, Antiphospholipid-Syndrom] | |
| med. gay-related immune deficiency syndrome <GRID syndrome> [obs.] [AIDS] | GRID-Syndrom {n} [veraltet für: AIDS] | |
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Lustig developed Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome, an incurable kidney disease connected to diabetes. he died at the age of 40 of diabetes-related complications on December 4, 1955.
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