 Übersetzung für 'Kramers-Kronig' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Kramers-Kronig relation
Kramers-Kronig-Relation {f}
Kramers-Kronig relation
Kramers-Kronig-Beziehung {f}
2 Übersetzungen
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  • Kramers-Kronig-Beziehung {f} = Kramers-Kronig relation
  • Kramers-Kronig-Relation {f} = Kramers-Kronig relation
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Because of the KramersKronig relations, the wavelength dependence of the real part of the refractive index is related to the material absorption, described by the imaginary part of the refractive index (also called the extinction coefficient).
  • The refractive index is related with the bandgap via the KramersKronig relations and varies between 2.9 (x = 1) and 3.5 (x = 0).
  • In principle, these two spectral measurements can be interconverted through an integral transform (KramersKronig relation), if all the absorptions are included in the measurements.
  • Other scientists have also suggested the use of gain media to achieve a similar levitation effect, though this is controversial because these materials seem to violate fundamental causality constraints and the requirement of thermodynamic equilibrium (KramersKronig relations).
  • will typically satisfy the conditions needed for the KramersKronig relations to apply.

  • must have poles only for frequencies with positive imaginary parts, and therefore satisfies the KramersKronig relations.
  • THz-TDS, in contrast, does not require use of Kramers-Kronig relations.
  • ORD spectra and circular dichroism spectra are related through the KramersKronig relations.
  • This reflects the fact that the dipoles in the material cannot respond instantaneously to the applied field, and causality considerations lead to the KramersKronig relations.
  • The electronic absorption spectrum of an opaque material, which is difficult or impossible to measure directly, may therefore be indirectly determined from the reflection spectrum by a Kramers-Kronig transform.

  • It can be shown using Cu2O that the KramersKronig relations do not apply to polaritons.
  • In an optical context, the absorption spectrum is typically quantified by the extinction coefficient, and the extinction and index coefficients are quantitatively related through the Kramers-Kronig relation.
  • , a consequence of causality, imposes KramersKronig constraints on the susceptibility [...].
  • In 1925, with Werner Heisenberg he developed the Kramers–Heisenberg dispersion formula.
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