 Übersetzung für 'Kyasanur' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Kyasanur Forest disease <KFD>
Kyasanur-Waldfieber {n}
Kyasanur Forest disease <KFD>
Kyasanur-Waldkrankheit {f}
Kyasanur Forest disease <KFD>
Kyasanur-Forest-Krankheit {f} <KFD>
3 Übersetzungen
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  • Kyasanur-Waldfieber {n} = Kyasanur Forest disease <KFD>
  • Kyasanur-Waldkrankheit {f} = Kyasanur Forest disease <KFD>
  • Kyasanur-Forest-Krankheit {f} <KFD> = Kyasanur Forest disease <KFD>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • An increase in "Eupatorium" is attributed as one of the causes for the spread of the deadly Kyasanur forest disease (which has a morbidity rate of 10%) among humans since it harbors tick populations that are vectors for this disease.
  • It is known to spread the "Ixodes" tick-borne viral Kyasanur Forest Disease (KFD).
  • Some species of "Haemaphysalis" are known to carry the virus responsible for the Kyasanur forest disease.
  • The disease was first reported from Kattinakere village forest which is in the Kyasanur forest range of Karnataka in India in March 1957.
  • It is an obligate ectoparasite of domestic mammals such as cattle, horses, sheep, and dogs. It is a potential vector of babesiosis and human Kyasanur Forest disease. It is a three-host tick.

  • It is a potential vector of Kyasanur Forest disease virus.
  • Adults parasitize various mammals such as domestic cattle, buffaloes and domestic goats. It is a potential vector of Kyasanur Forest disease virus.
  • Kyasanur Forest disease, also known as Monkey Disease is a rare endemic tick-borne viral haemorrhagic fever which was first noticed in the Kattinakere village, near Sorab which is in the Kyasanur forest range.
  • This virus is antigenically related to Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus, Kyasanur forest disease virus, Alkhurma virus, Louping ill virus and other viruses of the tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) complex.
  • He has worked on the toxicity of Abrus precatorius on the maternal and fetal tissues, Kyasanur forest disease and South Indian Paraplegia.

  • After his discharge from the army, he stayed in Malaya and then moved to work at Poona in India where he made a study of the Kyasanur Forest disease which affected both monkeys and humans; this led to the first in a long series of learned papers in medical journals and a lifelong career in neurovirology.
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