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- L. A. {n} = LA [abbr.: Los Angeles]
- L. A. {n} = L. A. [abbr.: Los Angeles]
- Portlandkalksteinzement {m} <CEM II/A-L> = Portland limestone cement <PLC>
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- Áki is a co-founder of Aton Ensemble, S.l.a.t.u.r. (an Icelandic composers' group), Saeborg (an improvisation unit), Kokteilsosa (a concert series) and other bands and institutions.
- Theater k.l.a.s. was an Austrian theatre company which performed each summer at the Haimburg Castle.
- The Teal was designed to beat the Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI) class is C-l.a records for speed and distance.
- 1996, 2001, 2006: lost the opportunity of m.l.a due to various reasons.
- Theater performances by the Theater k.l.a.s. were produced from 1995 to 2009.
- In the night of 17 August 1997, the Ulrichsberg memorial site was defaced and the memorial plaques were destroyed. An Antifa group "kommando z.a.l.a." claimed responsibility for the act.
- The transporter is responsible for transport of L-serine, L-alanine, L-cysteine, and L-threonine.
- Hopcroft and Ullman (1979) define the quotient "L"1/"L"2 of the languages "L"1 and "L"2 over the same alphabet as "L"1/"L"2 = { "s" | ∃"t"∈"L"2. "st"∈"L"1 }.
- "L. anops" seems to be closely related with "L. senoculatum", "L. valencianum" and "L. huberti" from Venezuela.
- L. L. Stine House, the 1916 home of early banker L. L. Stine, is NRHP-listed.
- "L. laevigatum", "L. langmaniae", "L. pruinosum", "L. revolutum", and "L. zygophyllum" have been developed.
- Larvae feed on "Lonicera" ("L. japonica", "L. xylosteum", "L. tatarica", "L. maackii", "L. gibbiflora") and "Weigela horstensis".
- Five nominal "Lucifer" species ("L. chacei", "L. faxoni", "L. hanseni", "L. intermedius", and "L. penicillifer") have been reclassified in a distinct genus, "Belzebub".
- Given a language "L" and an indexed class "C" = { "L"1, "L"2, "L"3, ... } of languages, a member language "L'j" ∈ "C" is called a minimal concept of "L" within "C" if "L" ⊆ "L'j", but not "L" ⊊ "L'i" ⊆ "L'j" for any "L'i" ∈ "C".
- Tres Cantos has also local bus routes through the different town districts ran by the L-1, L-2, L-3, L-4 and L-5 (this last one only weekends) buses.
- In 2010, L.L.Bean created a contemporary sub-brand called L.L.Bean Signature. The Signature line is a modern interpretation of L.L.Bean's previous products with modern fits.
- Over 90% of cases of Legionnaires' disease are caused by "Legionella pneumophila." Other types include "L. longbeachae", "L. feeleii", "L. micdadei", and "L. anisa".
- Hybrids with "L. myricoides", "L. silaifolia" and "L. fraseri" occasionally occur where these species grow near "L. ilicifolia".
- In cultivation, "L. tatarica" has hybridized with other shrubby species of "Lonicera". Crossed with "L. morrowii", it forms the invasive hybrid "L." × "bella". It can also hybridize with "L. ruprechtiana" and "L. xylosteum".
- The "Ministère de l'Urbanisme, de l'Habitat, de l'Hydraulique urbaine, de l'Hygiène publique et de l'Assainissement" is in charge of policy setting for urban water supply and sanitation.
- In Matthew 13:13 it reads [...] (Β C Κ L W Δ Π); the reading of the codex is supported by ℓ "70" ℓ "80" ℓ "299" ℓ "850" ℓ "1084" ; some manuscripts read [...] — Θ, "f"1, "f"13, Lect.
- longitudinale" occupies a hygrophilous ecological niche along with other Lepidosperma species; "L.australe", "L.
- Out of the 17 "Leptomeria" species, there are only 4 species which have white flowers like "L. drupacea"; "L. glomerata", "L. pachyclada", "L. pauciflora" and "L. preissiana".
- The dominance of "L > l" is incomplete, and "L/l" dogs have a small but noticeable increase in length and finer texture than closely related "L/L" individuals. However, between breeds there is significant overlap between the shortest "L/L" and the longest "L/l" phenotypes. In certain breeds (German Shepherd, Alaskan Malamute, Cardigan Welsh Corgi), the coat is often of medium length and many dogs of these breeds are also heterozygous at the L locus ("L/l").
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