 Übersetzung für 'L3' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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third lumbar vertebra <3rd lumbar vertebra, L3 vertebra, L3> [Vertebra lumbalis III]
dritter Lendenwirbel {m} <3. Lendenwirbel, L3, L 3>
1 Übersetzung
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  • dritter Lendenwirbel {m} <3. Lendenwirbel, L3, L 3> = third lumbar vertebra <3rd lumbar vertebra, L3 vertebra, L3> [Vertebra lumbalis III]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The station opened in 1975, along with the other stations of the section of L3 between Paral·lel and Sants Estació stations.
  • Some authors drop (L3) when defining linear spaces. In such a situation the linear spaces complying to (L3) are considered as "nontrivial" and those who don't as "trivial".
  • The metro line L3 platforms were added in 1975, on the then separate line L3b between Paral·lel and Sants stations.
  • The lunar expedition spacecraft L3 was to consist of a Soyuz 7K-L3 Command Ship (a variant of the Soyuz) and an LK Lander.
  • The L3 Lf saw action in Abyssinia, Spain, France, the Balkans, North Africa, and Italian East Africa. From 1936 each CV/L3 company had a single L3 Lf platoon.

  • They suggest that N either diverged from haplogroup L3 in the Near East (possibly in the Arabian peninsula, following the exit of L3 from Africa), then back-migrated to North Africa, or that it instead may have originated in North Africa (having diverged from L3 there).
  • The third lumbar spinal nerve (L3) originates from the spinal column from below the lumbar vertebra 3 (L3).
  • AFP-L3 is isolated via an immunoassay and quantified using chemiluminesence on an automated platform.
  • Recent years have seen the firm establishment of the New Zealand base of the British flight training organisation L3.
  • Below L3, relevant neurons pass into the fasciculus gracilis (usually associated with the dorsal column-medial lemniscal system) until L3 where they synapse with Clarke's nucleus (leading to considerable caudal enlargement).

  • In 1938, a further development of the L3 design was designated L3/38. The L3/38 had torsion bar suspension and two versions of a single mounted 13.2 mm machine gun.
  • LG Optimus L3 is a slate smartphone designed and manufactured by LG Electronics. The Optimus L3 runs on Android 2.3 Gingerbread. The LG Optimus L3 is the budget-range handset in the L series.
  • The Zvezda project was not a separate program but part of the N1-L3 expedition program for the 1970s. The first cosmonaut landings were to be done with the LK Moon landing module of L3 spacecraft.
  • UT-VPN Server has Virtual L3 switch function. Virtual L3 switch does L3-switching between virtual HUB on the UT-VPN Server.
  • According to the latest amendments made by Dongiproshakht to the mine development project "Opening and preparation of the inclined minefield, preparation of the inclined field of the l3 (l1) block No.

  • Haplogroup L3 diverged from L3'4 at about 70 kya, likely shortly before the Southern Dispersal event (Out-of-Africa migration), possibly in East Africa.
  • UniPro short-header packets use a single header byte for L3 information.
  • as part of the L3 service; later, a section of the L3 became the L4.
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