 Übersetzung für 'LFX' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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live fire exercise <LFX>
Combatschießen {n} [Einsatzschießausbildung]
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Übersetzung für 'LFX' von Englisch nach Deutsch

live fire exercise <LFX>
Combatschießen {n} [Einsatzschießausbildung]mil.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The Red Line initially operated using Nova Bus LFX 40' buses (4252-4258), the first and only in the Twin Cities.
  • Other software products included Image Independence (graphic file conversion and scaling), ASDG Abekas driver, Lightning F/X (for lightning effects (Later called Avid LFX)) and NSA (No Strings Attached) for removing wires from live action effects.
  • A live fire exercise (LFX) is a military exercise in which live ammunition and ordnance is used, as opposed to blanks or dummies. The term can also be found in non-military usage.
  • 100BASE-LFX is a non-standard term to refer to Fast Ethernet transmission.
  • York Region Transit (north of Toronto, Ontario) uses the A330 and AG300 buses on its Viva routes, though the A330 buses are being transferred to the conventional YRT service as more Nova LFX buses arrive for the Viva services.

  • The "LFY" is similar to the LFX, but adds stop-start technology and has improved airflow.
  • 6-liter LFX V6 gasoline engine.
  • In April 2021, a separate and new company called LFX was announced with the CFO of Li & Fung taking the helm in the new company.
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