 Übersetzung für 'LGBT people' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people <LGBT people, LGBT, GLBT>Lesben, Schwule, Bisexuelle und Transgender <LGBT>
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people <LGBT, GLBT>Lesben, Schwule, Bisexuelle und Transsexuelle
LGBT rights
LGBT-Rechte {pl}
LGBT community [gay community]
LGBT-Gemeinschaft {f}
LGBT community [gay community]
LGBT-Gemeinde {f}
peopleLeut {pl} [ugs.] [österr.] [südd.] [Leute]
peopleMenschen {pl}
peoplePersonen {pl}
peopleLeit {pl} [österr.] [bayer.] [Leute]
peopleVölkerschaft {f}
peopleLeute {pl}
mixed peopleMischlings­volk {n}
Romany people
Sinti und Roma {pl}
brave peopleMutige {pl}
illiterate peopleUngebildete {pl}
elderly peopleSenioren {pl}
ill peopleErkrankte {pl}
Romany people
Roma {pl}
missing peopleVermisste {pl}
older peopleSenioren {pl}
Romani people
Roma {pl}
Romani people
Sinti und Roma {pl}
22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Due to a lack of federal protections, discrimination against LGBT people in public accommodation or the sale of goods and services by private businesses remains legal, leaving vulnerable those in more than half the states in the U.S.
  • In order to recognize the political persecution that LGBT+ people face abroad, the Green Party wants to extend asylum to LGBTQIA+ people abroad.
  • and government officials intentionally campaigned to make "homosexual" synonymous with "Communist traitor" such that LGBT people were treated as a national security threat stemming from the belief they were susceptible to blackmail and exploitation.
  • Despite criticisms, there is a movement among feminists that seeks to reclaim "cunt" not only as acceptable, but as an honorific, in much the same way that "queer" has been reappropriated by LGBT people and "nigger" has been by some African-Americans.
  • Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people frequently experience violence directed toward their sexuality, gender identity, or gender expression. or political mores and biases.

  • On a night in late June 1969, LGBT people resisted, for the first time, a police raid, and rebelled openly in the streets.
  • The Weimar Republic brought democratic voting rights to all adults (including women), the eight-hour work day, innovations in media and technology, and more freedom for LGBT people, though the latter was undone by the strongly and extreme homophobic policies of Nazi Germany and by the conservative positions of the governments both in West and East Germany., although the modern Germany regained similar freedom for the LGBT people as the Weimar Republic did.
  • With regard to non-discrimination laws protecting LGBT people, the party is more divided, with some Libertarians supporting such laws, and others opposing them on the grounds that they violate freedom of association.
  • "Universalism" and "universalist" are terms referring to neopagan groups that syncretize their beliefs with social justice activism and claim to be more inclusive to racial diversity or LGBT people, in opposition to apolitical or any other further right-leaning neopagans.
  • The Shining Path has been accused of violence against LGBT people.

  • The employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is banned in the Seychelles, making it one of the few African countries to have such protections for LGBT people.
  • The event draws more than 200,000 people to demonstrate for equal rights for LGBT people.
  • Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and Voice of America are banned in Azerbaijan. Discrimination against LGBT people in Azerbaijan is widespread.
  • The cleavage concerns both PiS's controversial decisions and policies and diverging attitudes towards issues such as equal rights for LGBT people, refugees, the EU.
  • Same-sex sexual activity has been legal since 2015. Discrimination against LGBT people in Mozambique is widespread.

  • Misogyny may or may not include hate towards LGBT people, in the forms of homophobia and transmisogyny.
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