| entom.T La Palma brimstone [Gonepteryx palmae] | La-Palma-Zitronenfalter {m} | |
Teiltreffer |
| bot.T La Palma sow-thistle [Sonchus palmensis] | La-Palma-Gänsedistel {f} | |
| zool.T La Palma giant lizard [Gallotia auaritae] | La-Palma-Rieseneidechse {f} | |
| bot.T Palma Christi / palma-christi [Ricinus communis, syn.: R. africanus, Cataputia major, C. minor, Croton spinosus] | Rizinus {m} | |
| bot.T Palma Christi / palma-christi [Ricinus communis, syn.: R. africanus, Cataputia major, C. minor, Croton spinosus] | Christuspalme {f} | |
| bot.T Palma Christi / palma-christi [Ricinus communis, syn.: R. africanus, Cataputia major, C. minor, Croton spinosus] | Römische Bohne {f} [Rizinus] | |
| bot.T Palma Christi / palma-christi [Ricinus communis, syn.: R. africanus, Cataputia major, C. minor, Croton spinosus] | Wunderbaum {m} | |
| bot.T Palma Christi / palma-christi [Ricinus communis, syn.: R. africanus, Cataputia major, C. minor, Croton spinosus] | Läusebaum {m} | |
| bot.T Palma Christi / palma-christi [Ricinus communis, syn.: R. africanus, Cataputia major, C. minor, Croton spinosus] | Hundsbaum {m} | |
| bot.T Palma Christi / palma-christi [Ricinus communis, syn.: R. africanus, Cataputia major, C. minor, Croton spinosus] | Kreuzbaum {m} | |
| bot.T Palma Christi / palma-christi [Ricinus communis, syn.: R. africanus, Cataputia major, C. minor, Croton spinosus] | Palma {f} Christi | |
| la-la land [Am.] [coll.] [dream land] | La-La-Land {n} [Traumland] | |
| to be in la-la land [coll.] [fig.] | weggetreten sein [ugs.] [fig.] | |
| la-la land [sl.] | [Spitzname für Los Angeles und Hollywood] | |
| la-la land [sl.] | [Reich der Märchen und Fantasie] | |
| geogr. Palma de Mallorca | Palma de Mallorca {n} | |
| chem. brimstone | Schwefel {m} 1057 | |
| entom.T brimstone caterpillar | Zitronenfalterraupe {f} [auch: Zitronenfalter-Raupe] | |
| entom. brimstone eggs | Eier {pl} des Zitronenfalters | |
| entom. brimstone eggs | Zitronenfaltereier {pl} | |
| entom. brimstone caterpillar | Raupe {f} des Zitronenfalters | |
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