 Übersetzung für 'La Rioja' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   La Rioja | -
La Rioja [in Argentina and Spain]
La Rioja {n} [in Argentinien und Spanien]
Rioja {m}
to be in la-la land [coll.] [fig.]weggetreten sein [ugs.] [fig.]
la-la land [Am.] [coll.] [dream land]La-La-Land {n} [Traumland]
la-la land [sl.][Spitzname für Los Angeles und Hollywood]
la-la land [sl.][Reich der Märchen und Fantasie]
Shangri-La {n}
La Pléiade
La Pléiade {f}
lymphangioma <LA>
Lymphangiom {n}
La Niña
La Niña {n} [Klimaanomalie westlich Perus und Equadors]
lanthanum <La>
Lanthan {n} <La>
à la {prep}à la
Laos <.la>
Laos {n}
La Solidaridad
La Solidaridad {f}
La Clouse
Klause {n}
La Bruyère
Heide {n}
à la {prep}alla [à la]
La Ronde [play]
Reigen [Arthur Schnitzler]
à la carte {adj} {adv}
à la carte
La Femme Nikita
lactic acidosis <LA>
Laktazidose {f}
21 Übersetzungen
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  • La Rioja {n} [in Argentinien und Spanien] = La Rioja [in Argentina and Spain]
  • Rioja {m} = rioja
  • La-La-Land {n} [Traumland] = la-la land [Am.] [coll.] [dream land]
  • Ferronordit-(La) {m} = ferronordite-(La) [Na3Sr(La,Ce)Fe [Si6O17]]
  • Arsenoflorencit-(La) {m} = arsenoflorencite-(La) [LaAl3(AsO4)2(OH)6]
  • Florencit-(La) {m} = florencite-(La) [(La,Ce)Al3(PO4)2(OH)6]
  • Iraqit-(La) {m} = iraqite-(La) [K(La,Ce,Th)2(Ca,Na)4(Si,Al)16O40]
  • Håleniusit-(La) {m} = haleniusite-(La) [(La,Ce)OF] [håleniusite-(La)]
  • Davidit-(La) {m} = davidite-(La) [(La,Ce,U,Y)2(Fe,Mg)(Ti,Fe)18O38]
  • Arisit-(La) {m} = arisite-(La) [NaLa2(CO3)2 [(CO3)1-xF2x]F]
  • Lenkungsausschuss {m} <LA> = steering board <SB>
  • Bastnäsit-(La) {m} = bastnäsite-(La) [(La,Ce)(CO3)F]
  • Cordylit-(La) {m} = cordylite-(La) [NaBaLa2(CO3)4F]
  • Kukharenkoit-(La) {m} = kukharenkoite-(La) [Ba2(La,Ce,Th) [F|(CO3)3]]
  • Paratooit-(La) {m} = paratooite-(La) [(REE,Ca,Na,Sr)12Cu2(CO3)16]
  • Fluocerit-(La) {m} = fluocerite-(La) [(La,Ce)F3]
  • Orthojoaquinit-(La) {m} = orthojoaquinite-(La) [NaBa2(La,Ce)2Fe2+(Ti,Nb)2 [(O,OH,F)3|(Si4O12)2]·H2O]
  • Ankylit-(La) {m} = ankylite-(La) [Sr(La,Ce) [OH|(CO3)2]·H2O]
  • Remondit-(La) {m} = remondite-(La) [Na3(La,Ce,Ca)3(CO3)5]
  • Törnebohmit-(La) {m} = törnebohmite-(La) [(La,Ce)2Al(SiO4)2(OH)]
  • Retzian-(La) {m} = retziane-(La) [(Mn,Mg)2(La,Ce,Nd)(AsO4)(OH)4]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Arnedo is the third largest town in La Rioja, Spain. It is located near Calahorra, and has a population of about 15,000 people.
  • Navalsaz is a little village located in La Rioja, Spain. Its population is about 3 or 4 people in winter, and 10 to 15 in summer. It is in the municipality of Enciso.
  • La Rioja (...) is the capital and largest city of La Rioja Province, Argentina, located in the east of the province.
  • Calahorra is the second-largest city in La Rioja in population and importance, after the capital, Logroño.
  • The Mendoza region is the leading producer of Malbec in Argentina with plantings found throughout the country in places such as La Rioja, Salta, San Juan, Catamarca and Buenos Aires.

  • In March he became the Secretary General of the party in La Rioja, occupying the post until 1980.
  • Timerman was an early critic of Carlos Saúl Menem of the Justicialist Party, who became a presidential candidate after serving as governor of La Rioja Province.
  • Ginóbili made his professional debut in the Argentine basketball league for the Andino Sport Club of La Rioja in the 1995–96 season.
  • From the beginning of the federalist debate in Spain in the 19th century during the First Spanish Republic there were projects of autonomy for a Castile and León region, as the project of Castilian Mancomunity, Bases de Segovia, Castilian Provincial League or Castilian Federal Pact, but also including current Cantabria and La Rioja.
  • He went as far as La Rioja. However, the few urban populations of these frontier regions fled to his northern dominions, leaving a depopulated buffer between the Christian and Muslim states.

  • The territory of the diocese of Álava, which corresponded more or less to that of the present diocese of Vitoria, was reabsorbed into that of Calahorra when Najéra was suppressed in 1170, when King Alfonso VIII of Castile conquered La Rioja.
  • There are a number of features of Spanish as spoken in Navarre that are either exclusive to the area or shared only with neighbouring areas (mainly Aragón and La Rioja), such as the predominance of the diminutive with "-ico" or the use of the conditional verb tense in place of the preterite of the subjunctive (for example, using "podría" instead of "pudiera").
  • Electoral fusion is currently used only in provincial elections in Corrientes, Formosa, Jujuy, La Rioja, Neuquén, Tierra del Fuego and Tucumán Provinces.
  • Its boundaries and borders are in the north with France (the regions of Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Occitanie), in the west with the autonomous communities of Castile-La Mancha (provinces of Guadalajara and Cuenca), Castile and León (province of Soria), La Rioja and Navarre, and in the east with the autonomous communities of Catalonia (provinces of Lérida and Tarragona) and the Valencian Community (provinces of Castellón and Valencia).
  • For instance, the "fuero" or charter of the Basque-colonised Ojacastro (now in La Rioja) allowed the inhabitants to use Basque in legal processes in the 13th and 14th centuries.

  • His father was don Manuel Alfaro y González, a Spanish Republican native of Cervera del Río Alhama, La Rioja, Spain who arrived in Ecuador as a political exile; his mother was doña María Natividad Delgado López.
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