Übersetzung für '
La Rose de Fer' von Englisch nach Deutsch
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The producer of Rolling's "La Rose de Fer", then gave her the lead in the film but it was not a success.
- Due to the commercial failures of both "La rose de fer" and "Lèvres de sang", Rollin again had no choice but to direct another adult sex film for financial reasons as there was no possible way to produce a feature film for the foreseeable future.
- "Lèvres de Sang" was released on Blu-ray in 2012 by Kino Lorber as part of a five-disc collection, along with "La Rose de Fer", "Fascination", "Le Frisson des Vampires" and "La Vampire Nue".
- The film was issued on Blu-ray in 2012 by Kino Lorber as part of a five-disc collection, along with "La Rose de Fer", "Fascination", "La Vampire Nue" and "Lèvres de Sang".
- Kino Lorber released it on Blu-ray in 2012 as part of a five-disc Blu-ray collection, along with "La Rose de Fer", "La Vampire Nue", "Le Frisson des Vampires" and "Lèvres de Sang".
- "La Rose de Fer" (English: "The Iron Rose") is a 1973 horror drama film directed by Jean Rollin.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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